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Saturday Kitchen

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woofgang | 10:32 Sat 11th May 2013 | Film, Media & TV
1103 Answers
James is pulling Louis Smith's leg and he is bravely trying some fairly strange new (for him) foods. Poor soul even got food hell (squid) instead of food heaven (chicken) and then James showed him the beautifully cooked chicken and whisked it away again and made him eat the squid. What a nice young man!


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Oh go on Jno......mention it....... :) I am not by nature or training an interferer and neither of my sisters are but we do all have the cantakerous gene and heaven help the person who triggers it. I am glad your OH is feeling a bit better and hope it continues. Shaney I feel for you and your least while he is yattering at you he isn't yattering at his kids
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bump bump blooming bump
Sis has troubles of her own, I know. She's had an awful lot of physical/medical mishaps and can be rather disdainful of others who don't meet them with the same fortitude.

Her current worry is whether to have a cataract removed. She fears that if it went wrong she could lose more of the sight in her eye - and its the only eye she has, the other one went west years ago.

The trouble is she's a cabbie, and seems not to have mentioned to her employers that she's half blind. Any more damage and she's out of work. (Which is why we bought her the house, because through no fault of her own she has few savings.)

Astonishingly, I am the healthiest person in the family at the moment, thanks to my ten pills a day...
Lol Jno .Keep taking the tablets .Someone has to have their hand on the tiller. That's a sad situation for your sister but you've been very good to her so she really ought to be a bit more considerate.A bit of mess isn't the end of the world if all concerned are poorly.You have to have a bit of give and take.
Families can be a pain in the rear and mine is a large family.
I don't mind him yapping on Woofy but I draw the line at him telling me all about my niece's financial affairs.He seems to want me to side with him and I won't and usually change the subject if possible .
My nephew said he was mixing it when I last saw him which is exactly what my Mum used to do when she got older and had nothing better to do :)
He's not a policeman interviewing criminals any more but you know what they say.Once a copper always a copper.He's treading on thin ice with me atm .He doesn't like my political stance either and says I would have done well as a suffragette . I told him to sit still while I fetched my soap box and sash ...Hahaa.
Night all. KBO.
We need to collaborate on a film, When Good Siblings Go Bad. I'm sure the Horror Channel would pick it up.
Oh god, OH has gone into reverse again, can't even swallow the pills. Back to the doc asap. This is getting really nerve racking
Morning. Oh dear jno get ro the Mexico asap.
My sisters are very interfering. They moan about all nephews nieces friends and moan to me about each other!! They moan about everyone's finances too and how they rear the children!! I do sometimes speak my mind but they dont hear!!
I dont like one sister's stance on Brexit, but as we will probably not be too affected I'll let her off.
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Jno I will have another pray

Oh no Jno. This is absolutely awful for you .
I hope the doctor can do something.Thinking of you both and hoping all will be well .
Ive been having a second teenagerhood, discoveded Len Barry 123, 1965 on youtube, never seen him before although I loved the song so he and I have been belting it out and dancing all round the kitchen. Poor Mr N said nothing but think he was glad when I went to bed to watch Eastenders,
Well, we have got a stent, since the balloons weren't working. They're pretty much a last resort and it will need removing after three weeks in case it starts migrating, but it should have done its job of forcing open the oesophagus by then. OH may need another one in future, but is meanwhile gratefully guzzling ice cream to soothe a haggard throat and so far nothing has come back up. Please may this continue.
Good morning all.
Well done jno that was quick
Hope OH starts improving now and enjoying some food.
Morning all
Sounds good Jno and hope it does the trick and that your OH can get some nourishment now which is obviously needed.
I expect you'll be glad to get home after all this worry .
Nice bright day so far but still on the chilly side .
Hope you're all ok including our Robinia.
As for you Neti,I've got now got an ear worm :)
♫ Like taking candy from a baby yay ♫
Bing bong, ding dong, toot toot, ding a ling....hello all, I'm not attention seeking, I've got a new doorbell. Who the heck needs 50 different tones? It's got two receivers so I'll be able to ignore callers even when I'm right down the garden :)

I'm trying to catch up with you, what a dreadful time your OH's having jno. I can understand the giving up, everyday must feel a week long. On top of that you don't need family strife. I really hope things turn around very soon, stay strong.
We've never had family fallouts apart from one cousin we have very little to do with. Any differences are just ignored, our immediate family are all very much alike and I don't have to worry about the ex's family any more. We get along when necessary.

Hope the rest of you are ok. It's been a pain trying to keep up with myself. The weather took it's toll, the snow was bad enough but not as bad as some, it was the extreme temperatures. The condensate pipe froze causing the boiler to leak. It was easier to find men on Mars than someone to sort it so I had to do it myself. Three metres of solid ice, took me ages, I could have wept and couldn't move my arm and shoulder for two days.
Nothing interesting to report, I've done/am doing very little at the moment apart from sleeping....and all I fancy eating is chs and sweet stuff. :)
Sorry shaney. Len barry ia playing on every tv in the house and on phone while I was out.. Had banking things to do for hija which is never as simple as it should be!
Oh yes loads of people had trouble with the condensate and loads of plumbing companies couldnt attend to all the calls so they put it on youtube how to de-ice white pipe.
My outside freezer which packed up when we were away, has started working again and Ive put a bottle of water in it and it has frozen. Deep joy!!!
Oh I have to away Len is calling me to bop round the lounge again!!
Morning all. My cat appears to be going loopy again, driving me mad!
Hope all is ok now jno.

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