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"The Farm"

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netibiza | 12:32 Thu 19th Oct 2006 | Film, Media & TV
1003 Answers
Anyone know if this reality show will be back on Ch 5? I know I'm sad, but cannot get BBC or ITV so have to rely on Ch 5, and I do get so engrossed and enraged, really get carried away with it all.


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11:03 Wed 04th Jan 2012
I am sitting here with a cuppa tea!! ;o)
Oh dear, i looked at your first pic Neti and said mojito without looking at the title...yes unanimous, we've blooming earned it.
I have got a martini glass of equal parts of fresh clementine juice and ginger ale with a hefty slosh of cherry brandy its very pretty and tasty but mild enough to drink at this time of day. Its better made with champagne instead of ginger ale.....and its half price in tescos atm......maybe later on.
Anyway tescos shopping done today, waitrose delivery tomorrow then fresh bits later in the week and I am done.
Th dogs are giving me the eye, they hardly had anything to eat yesterday and are determined to make up for it today, better go feed them before they eat me!
Loved your medicine comment Jno. Laughed out loud at that.
Had a brilliant 'Christmas Day' I hardly spoke a word except to order what they wanted to eat and drink and pay the bill. My sons were going at it like two old women. I was so pleased and didn't mind as they hadn't seen each other for about 2 years. It was golf, photography, work, the recession. Then we went back to Steady's house and had another drink (coffee cos I was driving) Brilliant Day. When I said bye to them both they said they had really enjoyed it, so I suggested that Steadier should come and have a golfing weekend and stay with Steady.
I'm as high as a kite aren't I. Never mind I have to keep the mood going for tomorrow as even though Tai Chi has finished til after New year I'm still meeting my 2 friends for a present swap and lunch.

Neti I know it must be a worry for you about your Bil. My Aunt was diabetic and had to have a leg removed above her knee and she went on for years. So I hope he gets the will to try and get well and I think it a good idea to have a bedoom and bathroom downstairs for him that might encourage him to keep going.

Right I'm off now to eat again. A salad I think...Then the Baileys..
See yer later 'gater(s)
I just had a tesco prawn curry and a mince pie and cream. Second christmas cocktail has champagne instead of ginger ale and is utterly yummy but I probably don't need another tonight. Watching James Herriot.
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i feel so awful, came on in the evening, just couldn't get warm, wearing duvet slippers, wristwarmers, a shawl, hot water bottle, face so hot and feels so big and the body has been shaking uncontrollably, awful tummy ache. Am now jsut warming up since 7pm. Can I take paracetamol with my antibios (Rhodgil) Need to get better for tomorrow.
Can you get advice from a doctor? Is there any out of hours service there?
ew, that sounds unpleasant. If it was me, I'd expect it to resolve itself into some sort of food poisoning; I get my whole body in a ferment rallying itself to repel invaders. Hopefully rest will help.
Oh goodness me Neti .I don't know the answer as to taking paracetamol with antibiotics .Get yourself into bed ,keep warm and drink plenty of fluids . I hope you feel better tomorrow,if not to the doctors with you x

Sounds like you had a lovely day Jude .
Sleep well folks
Oight Oight .
Neti you could have an alery if your face 'feels big' it may be a swelling and could be an alergy to something. Have you had anything today that you don't normally have. I really hope you feel better very soon otherwise I'd get a Drs. advice.

I'm off to my bed now - Goodnight all including you especially Neti. xx
I expect the doctor's advice will be "tako el iboprufeno".

The internet seems to think antibis and painkillers are generally ok
Jus popped in to see if neti had posted again, I hope she is okay. All well here. Dogs had a lovely run and are now flaked out again. Oight oight
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Good morning, well that was awful and I feel better now, but got a thumping headache. I've had this same shivering attack three times in the last couple of years. It is awful, head wasn't fat just felt boiling and stuffed, I think it's the flu arriving but hopefully I can stave it off.

Once I had warmed up and it took about three hours, I watch Brian Cox and found it fascinating.

Hope you are all hale and hearty.
Morning all...glad you feel better neti. My chest was pounding for hours last night and it was starting to bother me but it calmed down before I went to bed. Had a strange dream about floods.

Much better weatherwise, nothing frozen or frosty... think I'll throw some washing in.
the xmas card's arrived...I just made it there, haha

Happy Tuesday All. I'm pleased you feel better Neti. (I meant to say alerGy not alery. The reason I suggested that was that in my 20's I was on some tablets that I was alergic to and my face and round my eyes all swelled up.)

It's sunny round here today now. I off to see my 2 friends tn some shopping. That's never ending at the moment. I keep thinking of things to buy.

The AB Christmas card looks ok. I'm near the end too Robi. I wonder how many 'active' members of AB there really are.

Have a good day all, see yer later'gater(s)
oh ding dong, the washer's finished just as the clouds are building up...stupid met office, grrrrrr.

Just had a bit of a turn, went to check my bank balance and I thought someone had been taking money out...and they was me.

Dun Spendin
oh neti, flu for Christmas, well, they arrange these things more neatly in Spain so you don't have to take time off work I suppose.

There are a lot of avatars on that Chritmas card I don't recognise, like the eclair next to me. Nobody would notice if it vanished, I'm sure...
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Am functioning Ok but feel very "strange" and dreadful tummy ache and mouth is coated in white and a horrible taste, I wonder if it's the thing she stuffed in the tooth!
Neti please take it easy and give your body a chance.....
Think the Christmas card is definitely cheery and old school AB. Decide to postpone the cookie cooking as I have a bit of a tum upset today...likely to be stress but on the off chance that it is a bug i don't want to be passing around tum bomb cookies lol.
I am pretty much done apart from a little wrapping and dusting so can have a quietish day today.
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Tonight is our annual xmas trip into La Villa (Ibiza Town) to see the lights, and xmas markets and the Creche (Belen) then we have a meal out. I will rest this afternoon and hopefully feel brighter. My shoulders ache. What a whinger I am!! Thanks woofy.

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