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"The Farm"

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netibiza | 12:32 Thu 19th Oct 2006 | Film, Media & TV
1003 Answers
Anyone know if this reality show will be back on Ch 5? I know I'm sad, but cannot get BBC or ITV so have to rely on Ch 5, and I do get so engrossed and enraged, really get carried away with it all.


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11:03 Wed 04th Jan 2012
I would winge too if I felt dreadful on the day of a Christmas outing. Get your rest and get the fluids down you. keep your tum warm, that should help.
hmmm... have you been bitten by a wild dog lately, neti?
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No jno, sadly those wild days are over.
I am trailing through posts here.

Sick dogs, teeth, Sick Neti, booze, more booze, cleaning carpets, cooking, Steady and Steadier, more teeth, more booze............................... phew what a lot I have missed.

Am just back in and am not going anywhere at all tomorrow. I want to wrap a few pressies and clean up a bit in readiness for what will be a nice quiet Christmas. Son and GF are coming on Christmas Day and staying overnight which will be nice.

My snowdrops have popped up through the grass, yay!!! Spring is one the way!!

Now going to make up the spare bed, (that's after I have had a cuppa).

See you later.

On the grapevine I have heard that the troll who lives next door is going to move in the Spring!!! Best Christmas present ever!! :o)
Yay Lottie!! here's to moving Trolls and quiet homely Christmas. I too have a bed to make up for sis and cleans to put on for me then done apart from fun stuff. Neti are you okay?
.....Pssst Ya wanna see my twinklies?
just watched the slideshow....there is a dog in the mirror and bonios behind the classilly arranged fruit and lights.......oh well......
Lovely Woofy ..very pretty .
I've got some pics but at the mo' am a bit stressed .

My SiL was rushed off to the Norfolk and Norwich last night with a heart attack They say it's mild but she's had one before and she's 78 and her lungs aren't good .
Waiting for my brother to phone .He went up there early this morning .
So sorry to hear about your s-i-l shaney, what a worry...hope the news is good from your brother & wishing her a speedy recovery. x

Lovely woofy, you go to town with the lights, I've only got a few on my tree. I did bring my polar bear & a couple of xmas teddies down, it's just not the same here without a little pair of eyes staring at me.
And I've bought some flowers and picked some greenery from the garden today so hopefully I'll be in artistic mode tomorrow.
He's just phoned me and they are home .She's got some different meds and has to see a cardiac man at the Paget soon as . They seem to think that rather than an attack it was a sort of fibrillation .
Now tomorrow my brother has to go to Papworth so I said I'd go round there and be with her but no ..she insists on going with him .They're a worry ,they really are .
I love the fairy lights among the fruit, woofy.

Dear oh lord, shaney, this has not been a great year for biddies and their families. I hope all is well with her.

(Actually, I think 1968 was the last really great year.)
Shaney I will add your sister in law and brother to my prayers.
If its better to light one candle than curse the darkness, what price miles of fairy lights eh?
well I hope it's not too serious shaney...try not to worry, sometimes people do what they want to do and not necessarily what they ought to do.

yes jno, '68 was good....
You can say that again Robinia :)
I'll just be worrygutting now all day tomorrow .
The thing is they're getting in years now but my brother still thinks he's 21.
Silly old bugger:0)
The other pair are just as bloomin' bad.
Last week he drove them all the way out to Happisburgh just for lunch. I ask you ,in all that cold weather .I said to him that he fell off the cliff not to come runnng to me ...we did laugh
Thanks for your kind thoughts folks .

Hope you feel better now Neti .
Oight oight all, hoping for good health news for all tomorrow. I had fresh lychees for tea tonight.
Sorry to hear your news shaney. I hope everything turns out alright. what a shock for you, your poor Sil.
How's your afterdentist feeling now Neti and your shivering feverish bout. Hope ytour over that now.

I've just come on to say goodnight as I've had a really busy day (my Boxing day).Sains., Lunch, Boots then when I got home my sister turned up and then another man friend came as well, then after they had gone I put all my 2011 photos on discs. I finally got my tea at 8.00. Now I'm off to bed.
I hope all is well with everybody tomorrow.
See you tomorrow. Goodnight all sleep tight x
morning all.Nothing to report here, hope that all is well where you are....
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Good morning, computer is dreadfully slow today. So will go back and read any unread posts.

This is the Grinch and myself on our Xmas visit to Ibiza, very nice it was but we missed the Belen again, no idea where it was, but we saw one in a niche with white bamboo figures, so don't mind. It was really mild, and most enjoyable.
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Oh shaney I am so sorry about your s-i-l, do hope she'll be Ok., and on the subject, how is Mr s??

Just got woofy's piccy open, how super and artistic, lovely.

Yes thanks I am feeling fine, normal, it was just a blip although I will one fine find out why I get these shivers and shakes.
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Robi, I was thinking the same thing last night about your Charlie, and I think about all of you with your losses and pains but don't like to mention it
, but I do think about you at this time of year.

Woofy just seen your photos, wow, but lights by the sink?? isn't that dangerous, and have to say your tap is exceptionally shiny <<<< rushes off to polish mine >>>>

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