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"The Farm"

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netibiza | 12:32 Thu 19th Oct 2006 | Film, Media & TV
1003 Answers
Anyone know if this reality show will be back on Ch 5? I know I'm sad, but cannot get BBC or ITV so have to rely on Ch 5, and I do get so engrossed and enraged, really get carried away with it all.


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11:03 Wed 04th Jan 2012
yes, they can stay sore a while - it'll be the gums and mouth generally that are sore, basically bruised. 600mg of Ibuprofen and a triple heart bypass should do the trick. I am off this afternoon to get mine screwed in further (if they need it).
Robinia, they change on the hour now so you may be ok in 6 minutes.
yay, I'm visible and a laydee again! :o)
I turned into a cyclist briefly on saturday and i think ratter also got looks like someone id playing the fool with gravatar.
carpet is now immaculate...I went over it twice and the grit that came out was nobody's business, now doing the stairs and then I am going to steam the oven as every time its turned on it smells of turkey which is what I slow cook for dog treats (cheapo chopped thigh from tescos, also makes a heavenly stew with chestnuts)
I must have turned into a man after all...I've spent half an hour and emptied three cupboards to look for something that was right there in front of me!!! grrrr...

when I put my oven on it smells of snook pie & dried egg's been a while...
Hello folks
And it's a very cold one here .All iced up .
Lovely picture Jude and I hope you have a nice day today .
Nothing doing here .Just waiting for Sainsburys to bring the delivery .

Sorry to hear about your BiL Neti .But he's in the best place .I'm sure now the leg is gone and although it's a shock perhaps now the nasty part has gone his body can recover.It can't have been doing his system any good .I wish him all the best .
As I also wish Sqad although I'm not part of his harem :) A friend of mine had a triple by pass when she was fifty and she made a good recovery .

Can you come round here with your steamer Woofy ...pretty please :)
<calls Sainsbury's and tells them to redirect Mrs Shaney's delivery to Derby>

I forgot to say that's a lovely picture Jude! That's not Vinny you've got there is it?...and I laughed at jno's medicine cabinet comment.
Ha ha Robi
I am a bit jealous of Jude getting to share Santa's sherry...are you bribing him to get better prezzies?
Stairs now green instead of mud colour and steamer heating. Its pouring down here...dogs are a bit peed off because they didn't get a walk this morning so they couldn't eat anything disgusting and upset the tum again. Normally they run out in the garden but its too wet even for Rab the invincible who really is too silly to know when to come in out of the rain. Actually while happy and hungry now, they are still a bit weary so i don't think they mind too much......Steamer!
Too late Robinia ...<cackle> ......yum yum .. slurp slurp :)
Oh alright then ..have a drink
You'll have to supply your own cherry :0)
oven clean and now burning off the self cleaning panels (smug grin)
Woofy're a paragon of virtue .I don't like cleaning ovens .
I keep the hob,grill and outside clean though .
It may have something to do with the fact that I can't kneel down to do it and practically have to lay on the floor .I have a big tray in the bottom to catch drips and splashes .My token gesture to oven cleaning .
Not that much of a paragon, its been here just over two years and its the first time I cleaned the oven.....I didn't want the cookies to smell of turkey unless they were turkey flavour.....
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My big oven hasn't been used for 1 year, only every Christmas and it has a bit of mould in it now, ---- shock horror ---- but we need the big oven for the large turkey, anyways I'm not cooking the xmas lunch, never have, never will!!
well just don't go slamming any doors woofy, with all that steam your paper will drop off the walls.

oh thanks shaney...hmmm, I haven't got any cherries either...
<forces a cocktail stick into a malteser>
oh now I want a cocktail...going shopping so can add cherries to the list. maybe a singapore sling.,r:5,s:0
I'm having a whisky sling atm Woofy .
I tip the glass up and sling it down my gullet :)
See you all later be good ..I'm going to watch the Hairy Bikers Best of British .
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This for me please, although it is cold here in the house so all that ice may not be a good idea.


Maybe this then:

whee, my teeth have been screwed in a bit tighter and are now set for eating with. I found a bottle of creme de menthe in the back of the medicine cupboard - the label says 210 pesetas, so it may have been waiting a few decades - and now have a glass of bright green liqueur in front of me.

<Now, where did I put the Fairy Liquid>
Alcoholics Unanimous, eh!!

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