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Waterloo Road

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LoftyLottie | 17:22 Thu 05th Nov 2009 | Film, Media & TV
573 Answers
I know it's only fictitious, but the script writers are just so ignorant of how schools are run, what you can and can't do, LEA'S, etc. The whole thing is getting to me now!!! I watch it and am driving Mr LL nutty complaining about all the mistakes whilst I am supposedly enjoying watching it.

I used to quite like it. It is totally ridiculous now!

Anyone agree?


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Ooh thanks Robinia .I'll have a look through those .
haha well I was kidding shaney but you never know, yours might be there!
Just hope my tired wobbly stiks get me to the shops now...ttfn
umm..smoke the grass more like^(:O)I had a weird dream to..I was driving in heavy rain and it was pitch black along the bypass when down this lane I spotted a pub all lit up like a xmas tree.So I reversed and all the cars was honking there horns..I got to the pub and everybody was dressed like it was the twenties...I was just gonna take a swig off me pint and I bloomin woke up...3:am...bugger.Hey jude...they do that cos they can make interest on yer money..crafty boogers.sizzling day ere...later dudes.I reckon there plumkins shaney(:O)
Shaney are you saying it has berries then apples?

Jude I am totally impressed by anyone who can knit, let alone socks, I have only ever knitted one thing in my life, a jumper for DH. I used to do 8 rows a day. it took nearly a year and the first time I washed it it shrunk :-(

have been over in religion defending a bit bored with the "God doesn't exist and I hate him" crowd. I don't usually talk about it...must be returning to my schooly roots lol.
Had another spending urge so have bought lots of little things that we needed, ie. new water bowls for the cat as they rot very easily outside n the heat. I have 4 dotted around the garden so there is always one in the shade, and of course, 1 indoors. Loads and loads more pegs, am so happy, it's so easy hanging out the washing now: I'm easily pleased.

Hope you are having a peaceful day!
Afternoon class mates. I've noticed something: The word 'hated' seems to be more prevalent on this thread than on any other thread we've ever done. Obviously we're all regressing to the black-and-white mindset and strong emotions of childhood and teenage years!

Someone I know is a very gifted dream interpreter, I'd ask her about your dreams but I'm afraid she'd advise against playing with you lot if I did ha ha ha. Woofy I know what you mean about the brain constructing dreams backwards from an event, I've noticed it often enough and this phenomenon is in fact the basis for *one* theory on why we dream: We dream in order to stay asleep. See? Cos if we weren't able to weave sounds and thirst and flashes of light into our dreams, we'd be waking up paranoid and ready to defend ourselves every other minute all through the night.

(Of course, in your case Robi, you're obviously telepathically communicating with A) a hanger, and B) Vinny, at 3 am:) And you Vinny woke up cos Robi's hanger fell into your pint, see?

An addition to Robi's interpretation, Shaney, might be that you're trying hard to look into the future (looking through the window) but you can't. And also the frustration of (seemingly and at this time) not being able to influence things through your actions. I'm an amateur but I'd say it's not a prophetic or worrying dream or anything, just anxiety being processed during sleep.

Jude your socks are adorable! Candy socks!
Well I can't find it Robinia :) And thanks for my dream interpretation .Funny thing is it was Mr S doing the smearing and I kept saying to him not to smear .As fast as I was cleaning them he was smearing them up again :) Weird .
Plumpkins Vinny ? I'm begiining to think this tree has taken over my life ..hahaa...
yes berries Woofy and then these small green apples . Hang on I'll find a piccy ......
This a closer pic of the bloom
And this is the berries
You can just see how they turn red and then the birds flock in and gorge on them ..
Lovely piccys shaney, wish I could help but they are all the same to me!
Aww Shaney...! I love them! My cold feet feel warmer just for looking at them:) (Actually today is a summery day but last night my feet were longing for winter socks.) Can't wait to try them on - thank you SO much xxxxx. You've sealed your fate now ha ha, you'll be knitting socks and willy warmers for all the biddies for the next couple of decades! /Love the expression on the blackbird's face:)
I knitted some baby boots once and didn't understand the concept of the separate front strip, so after I had knitted it, I joined it up to the sides without knitting them any further so all I got was a knitted loop, totally confused. I have managed more and better since!
Why am I such a disaster? Decided to defuzz certain areas of the ole bod, so stripped off and sat in bath as it seemed easier. My god, it's the longest 3 mins of my life, then I find I've got the cream (veet) in my head hair, so that's saved on the haircut on one side! I wouldn't bother if I lived somewhere cool and didn't need to swim in cossies!
Well the whole bloody chavvy world, his gobby mrs and their unruly soddin kids are out there today, aaaaggghhh! I swear I've not seen that many people at the shops in my area for years. <puts head inside desk & bangs lid on it>

and don't get me started on my demanding neighbour, she's in hospital at the moment but that doesn't stop her...<puts head inside desk & bangs lid on it>

The 'berries' are the apples forming (I hope). It would be nice to identify them shaney but the birds don't care what they're called if they're tasty!

Kit I've always been convinced that coathangers have a life (Shame I don't, they must be living mine) they seem to booger off somewhere every now & then.
Vinny we're all coming to Wooly to make your dreams come true :o)
oh gawd, there's an image I could have managed without, a hairless biddy...just keep ya colander on neti but mind you don't get sunburnt through the holes
I am not hairless, I am neat and judging by that photo, it's a good job too!^`
that looks like amelanchier
lovely autumn colour, but the apples after berries has got me stumped.
That looks just like it Woofy !
This another lone apple I've found .As you can see they are very small but incredibly sweet .
I have to say I was confused that the first pic you posted shaney definitely looked like apple blossom
and then the next pics had a starry blossom
soooo, I'd guess that you have an apple/crab apple tree growing through an amelanchier.
Did that bloody help? haha
Where's the Kitapult? lets start blasting shaney with crab apples... :o)
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My first though was Mallus, but why berries and apples? confudled as the others, so will go along with Robinia.

Its a Mallaprunalamanchia. Quite common in far eastern regions of East Anglia.

Woke up at 1.30pm and had some lunch. Tidied up, hung washing out and have been in garden ever since. It would suit me fine if mornings were abolished and days started at Midday. I shall be wide awake tonight when the world sleeps!!

I love sleeping during the day. Perhaps I should have been a hedgehog and just come shuffling out to feed during the darkness. Weird because I don't like streetlights either!!

I am so depressed in the mornings.
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I have become more or more hairless the older I have become and don't need to defuzz any more. Hair on head fortunately has not got thinner!! Still time I suppose.

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