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Waterloo Road

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LoftyLottie | 17:22 Thu 05th Nov 2009 | Film, Media & TV
573 Answers
I know it's only fictitious, but the script writers are just so ignorant of how schools are run, what you can and can't do, LEA'S, etc. The whole thing is getting to me now!!! I watch it and am driving Mr LL nutty complaining about all the mistakes whilst I am supposedly enjoying watching it.

I used to quite like it. It is totally ridiculous now!

Anyone agree?


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All these pictures of lovely socks. Not being a sock lover I have never been inclined to knit them.

Oh well, here are mine, beautifully presented like all the others!!

I've just been round to Dot next door . I have perused both trees .She has a small tree exactly the opposite side of my tree .Perhaps they've been up to no good :)
They seem to have intermingled across the fence .
None so blind as those Pe bo bellys that cannot see :))
oh I love mornings, they just don't love me very much. I'm always awake before 7 (assuming I've been to sleep) and I get up when I've listened to the news & weather, about 7.15. I'd love to be able to get up & be raring to go at 6am...I have tried.

No socks, not even in winter Lottie?
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Not indoors Robi. Yet I wear them in winter when I go out, but they come off as soon as I get in. I just hate anything on my feet.

Hence, my feet are absolutely filthy - I have been outside gardening in crocs!!
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I would love to love mornings Robi. But I am so depressed and achey in the mornings that all I want to do is go to sleep and forget everything. Bed is my favourite place - it's where I retreat to and hide away from everything. Second most favourite place is my garden, again a retreat and the only place where I can forget things. I do love the dawn chorus.

Gosh, I sound like such a miserable person don't I. I am not miserable so much as anxious and worried most of the time. I am also going through a stage of panic attacks at the moment and expecting awful things to happen. I think it's a culmination of all the stress over the past few years.
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He he Robi. Socks with flipflops - oh no!!!
Lottie do you ever write if down? When I have bad times, I write it down...actually I write a diary every night. Mostly it helps to empty my brain and makes me feel better.
PS I am a barefoot crocs gardener too. My sister wrote me a poem about it, I will find it and post it here.
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Haven't tried writing it down, perhaps I will try. At the moment it might end up as a huge great book.

Looking forward to the poem about barefoot gardening!! I actually do like the feel of bare earth on my feet too. Just love being barefoot whenever at all possible. I am also not a glove person!!
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............... and I hate hats any time of year..................
Well it's no good asking me. I thought apples came from Sainsburys :~) Anyway.The blossom looks lovely Shaney!
Well I've had a funny morning . Laughable funny as well as odd. Met my friends at the Coach & Horses, all locked up, a man on a bike road up and said the owner had better be there as he owed him for a gig he'd played for them last night. We then drove, on his recommendation to The White Lion, I went in and asked if they were serving food 'No' not today was the reply 'but the pub over the road The Kings head or arms or something or other might be serving' so we drove over there. On entering we were told no food but the White Lion may be cooking today (already been there adn't we). Well we were then beginning to lose the will to live but were cracking up laughing at the same time. So in the end we decided to drive to one of our usual haunts which was well and truly open for business and we had a lovely carvery for £4.50. Beef turkey and pork, roast and mash pots. carrots peas cabbage cauliflower cheese and peas and yorkshire pud. Delicious ( wont put delish) I rounded it off with a lovely cappuccino. £1.50. Cheap meal all round!
The weather has been lovely here - got my grasses cut this afto don't quite know what I'm going to do tonight. Might listen to a bit of jazz with Jamie Cullum.
Have a good night everybiddy!
Lottie I totally empathise with you. Over the years I've had my share of panics and anxieties. I was advised to write it all down and I have written reams on my life, I could write a book truly.And it helped. I also keep a diary. I would love to tell you all my story and maybe one day I will. I understand your morning feelings, but I only got them when I was depressed, but mostly I'm a morning person because wherever I have workded I've had to be there early. I love them and am usually up about 6 and I walk to the paper shop every day before my breakie.
Lottie, snap, those socks are like every pair (although can never find a matching pair) in my sock drawer (yes I do have one). Every year I buy several new matching pairs and within a month they look like lottie's. I love being barefoot, was called a gypsy at school for kicking off my footwear, and during the 60's I never wore anything on the feet even when hitching up to London, and burnt my soles on the North circilar road when working in Hendon. I do wear slippers in the winter as this old villa doesn't have a damp-proof course and the damp comes up through the tiles and it's bitter. We have carpeted the two bedrooms.

I also keep a diary, I have them going back to 1975 and they come in handy when settling an argument. I stopped for a couple of years after my mum died and I wished I hadn't.

Had a lovely siesta from 16.30 - 18hrs, hated waking up but OK now!
That looks lovely Neti . Lovely picture .

I wish I could get up at regular time every day .Sometimes I'm up at the crack of dawn and other times I crawl out at gone ten . After years of getting up every day at a certain time I seem to have gone to pot ....or seed might be a better term .
I think it depends on if I've had a pain free night which are few and far between these days .Plus I read until all hours .
Even so I never sleep during the day or in the evenings and never have done .
Once I'm fully asleep I sleep heavy and would be stumbling about like a zombie .
I can't cat nap and envy those that can nod off and wake up and carry on during the day without feeling like death warmed up .
Beautiful Neti. I've been to Ibiza a few times and I loved it. The weather was good for us!
|I should have said except for one night when there was an almighty thunder storm but that was great to watch over the sea.
Shaney, I am a lucky one who can 'cat nap'. When I was at work I used to get an hour for lunch and had it at work. I would then just relax and shut my eyes for 5 minute and off I'd go. it was very strange cos I could hear people talking but not what they said and I would come round about 5 minutes before having to go back to work. One day a bloke took a photo of me on his mobile which I took as a joke at the time and after a laugh asked him to delete it. Then a few days later a workmate came in with an A4 copy which she said he had put on the internet. I was bluudy livid and screwed it up and threw it at her. She must have told him because I had a phone call from him apologising.
Thinking about it since, I expect he only sent it fron his phone to her in an email, but that was before I understood the internet a bit more :~).
Lottie my crap time has lasted nearly 4 years and in that time i have filled 5 fat notebooks, it does help. I am soooooo not a morning person but have adapted to getting up at 4 am for my boys...very good at going back to sleep though.
Neti don't read this bit...I've probably said before, i buy my socks in toning colours and never ever match them up, I just grab two out of the drawer.

Today DH and I have been married for 36 years and been linked since I met him when he was dating my middle sis. I was 14 he was 17, we looked at each other and that was that, he waited till I was 17 and asked me on a date.

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