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Waterloo Road

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LoftyLottie | 17:22 Thu 05th Nov 2009 | Film, Media & TV
573 Answers
I know it's only fictitious, but the script writers are just so ignorant of how schools are run, what you can and can't do, LEA'S, etc. The whole thing is getting to me now!!! I watch it and am driving Mr LL nutty complaining about all the mistakes whilst I am supposedly enjoying watching it.

I used to quite like it. It is totally ridiculous now!

Anyone agree?


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naughty Kit cockup cockup cockup oh oh here comes teacher. Shaney so sorry for your disappointment, shall we all come round and kill them and nick the boat?
OOps forgot its french day.....
Bonjour mes amies, comment ca va ce beau jour? Je suis tres knackeree car hier j'ai travaillee tout l'apres midi avec un screwdriver (non, Vinny, c'est fait de metal, pas fait de vodka)

that's enough of that......

hasn't today been lovely? a real indian summer day. We have been getting DH's motorbike cleaned up and ready as he drops it off and collects the new one tomorrow. We found out today that he will have his op in about 3 weeks time so hopefully some nice weather between now and then. I also have a "little list" for him so it won't be all fun and games lol. Yesterday i put together an Ikea filing cabinet (half size) all on my own, leaving a bookcase, two shelves and a storage thingy for my shed to go, plus of course the corresponding upheaval in putting the stuff where it is needed and moving/tossing/storing what is there at present.
....and I hear him calling me now. He got an e reader for our anniversary from me and he is setting it up...well trying to.......
did/does anyone else like the chalet school stories by Eleanor Brent Dyer? I read them as a child, they are about a boarding school in switzerland. The are one of my indulgences at the mo, they are being republished un abridged or edited, the social detail is quite amazing.
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No electricity since 9.00am. It's just come back on. I forgot it was due to go off all day so didn't get my morning cuppa in and have been having serious withdrawal symptoms all day. Have just come back from a walk. I prepared myself for it being a bit chilly and I am now really overheated. Spent some time watching two marsh harriers immediately overhead. That was nice. But I must admit the walk this afternoon was more of a chore than enjoyable. I was so, so hot!!

Can I pass on the French please, je suis fatigue (can't remember how do get accents on here)

Really sorry about your boat trip Shaney. I would be furious too. Such a great shame and disappointment once again for you.

Must go and get that cuppa.
bonjour madams..
a screwdriver is a vodka init..:O)never mind shaney..worse things happen at sea...oops..!(:O)this weather is fAB.I been reading a book(mazing inhe)Brixton sad to sad..!Got me lemonade in for the BIG match tonight...7:30 jude.Come on England..Come on Hungary..come on Liechtenstien>>>whoosh(:O)
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Woofie. I never read the Chalet School stories, but absolutely loved Heidi and the Charles Tritten followups. I read them over and over again.
chalet school seems familiar but can't actually remember them!

How come you can all speak french, I can't so am excused this lesson.
Was just looking at those cast-on, cast-off stictches and they are vaguely familiar. I have a feeling that I was taught those way back in the cave days, and also knitting into the back of the stiches to neaten them. Haven't knitted anything for years except for some legwarmers for daughter about 10yrs ago, and she thought it was all homely with me knitting by the fire! I find it all a bit too fiddly now and knuckles hurt.
jno, have just seen those graphite carvings, incredible, thank you. And there's me moaning about knitting.
Oh Heidi, my childhood favourite, time I blew the dust off....
There've been some annoying clouds today...the temp really drops when the sun goes in but on the whole it was lovely.

Oh what a belly flop of a day for you shaney, I'd have been so mad half of the others would have scarpered for fear I'd sink the bloomin thing. Write a letter too... toot sweet.

I'm non too cock-a-hoop myself, bl00dy gardener hasn't been & I wanted it done before the weekend. Merde (That's a bit of useful french neti) Off with his watsits...

Child speak lesson for Kit

Grass = cress

This is a princess...<shrugs>

These are parcels (took me a while to fathom that out)...

And this... http://www.supercook....l_Sunday_Roast-01.jpg
is 'No chance, eat ya pot noodle' :o)
Fascinating to watch the cast on and off videos. To neaten my first row up on my rib I used to knit into the back of the stitch.
What a disappointment for you Shaney feel really sorry. Like Robi says get that letter writ.
I've been on to the Council in writing about the 'jitty' for (Kit alleyway) near me since last Dec on and off. I went down it today and it's brilliant. Litter bin situated in a more prominant position and the jitty itself clear of all bottles and cans and weeded along the edges, brilliant. Deserves a thankyou letter.
Blooming eck Lottie couldn't go without me cuppa I'd 'ave gone down the cafe near us for one. Mind you if the leccy had gone maybe not.:~)
Thanks for the match reminder Vinny. Don't quite know what to expect. Wonder who'll be playing. Come on England!!!
The last childrens books I read were all the Harry Potter ones. Not like me at all but after I'd read the first one I just had to keep going, don't ask me why. I think I said this once before that I thought J K Rowling could write a real horror story.
Neti a bit of French for you to say to Mr N 'voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir' I'd say it to Depp of course.
Cuppa tea time - Lottie see yer later 'gater(s)
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Detention Robi teaching french swear words to poor Neti.

I expect to see 500 lines written and handed in tomorrow morning.

I will not teach other pupils swear words

And Jude, same goes for you. But your lines are different.

I will not teach other pupils improper behaviour.

(To be written in French on course)!

Jude I tried to think where I could go for a cuppa, but it involved driving. I only have a couple of neighbours (well three, but one is a mad Troll and I keep clear) and they were, of course, cut off too.

I made myself a cuppa and slung half of it down me front. So had to change trousers and top. Also is was bloody hot (I drink black tea) and now I have a pink stripe down my tum where it got me!! Merde (oops!)

I au-paired in France and came back speaking it reasonably fluently, but I am only brave enough to speak French when I have drunk a bottle of wine and I am really rusty now. I can understand quite a bit. I am no good at writing it though. I hated it at school! I just scraped an O'level pass by some miracle.

Whilst rambling through the sugar beet fields this afternoon I was tempted to pick some and see if I could produce some sugar. Haven't got a clue how it's done. Will have to look it up. Years ago they used to grow peas and beans round here and when my son was young we used to go round gleaning after the crops were harvested. Nowadays they don't do peas and beans at all. We get loads of rape instead!!

As you say now, really chilly when the sun goes down! Lovely evening though.

Lottie j'aimais français à l'école. J'aurais aimé travaillé plus fort à elle.

That's me lot. I've only just taught myself how to do accents on here as well.
Well I've calmed down now .I doubt if I'll bother to complain though .I can't be bothered That local rag of ours is renowned for sloppy journalism .They're forever issuing apologies for wrong names and info .
It's bad enough they've shut the harbour off to the public here as it is and the only way you can see it all is from the sea .
I just wanted for Mr S to have a breeze out .Never mind .

Nice knitting links Kit .I also watched some chap show us the contents of his knitting bag that knit :)
I've never read the Chalet books ,but I liked Heidi .Just William was another favourite along with Black Beauty ,Little Women ,What Katy Did etc .
What I really loved were the books by Angela Brazil .

Can I be excused from French lines Miss ....I have been good today apart from swearing under my breath about that boat ...I'll bring you "un pomme pour la directrice ".
Just having a Baileys on ice. cheers all! Listening to a lovely old song call 'I'll be seeing you'
I was into the big band sound before rock and roll grabbed me. Still like it though and have quite a few CD's with swing and jazz on.
Off to see the footie in a bit so have a good night all - I could be back if I have to drowned me sorrows if we lose. Not that you all will be bothered about that well maybe Vin will.
pah! bloomin football...merde.... <slams desk>
I'm not doing lines, so there....and I haven't got any apples so have this

and now I'm going to run naked through the weight loss thread, that should put 'em off their diets.

<sets fire to waste basket>

> > > > > > > >
I knew merde, but can she still do the lines please miss <<< smirks >>>

Yes jude , I love the big band sounds! and I've put a lot of time and headaches so as not to be disturbed in my bed, so will not suggest anything like that to Mr N!
Engerland Engerland Engerland!!! Why didn't we play like that in the world cup. Our Goalie's a bit good int he Vin?

Sorry Robi just had to sound off. You know what I'm like...I'll get me coat....

Night night all see you tomorrow :~))
heavens, what is afoot.... one biddy swearing, another ripping her clothes off, another one reading Heidi... has someone spiked the punch again?
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Just came in to check if all the dorm lights are out and that everyone is asleep. Don't forget we have Saturday morning lessons - Maths and Chemistry - and that you will all be expected to turn out for hockey in the afternoon come rain or come shine.

It's my weekend off! he, he!!
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Nite nite all x

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