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Waterloo Road

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LoftyLottie | 17:22 Thu 05th Nov 2009 | Film, Media & TV
573 Answers
I know it's only fictitious, but the script writers are just so ignorant of how schools are run, what you can and can't do, LEA'S, etc. The whole thing is getting to me now!!! I watch it and am driving Mr LL nutty complaining about all the mistakes whilst I am supposedly enjoying watching it.

I used to quite like it. It is totally ridiculous now!

Anyone agree?


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robi, there are worse things than elephants

(true story, by a woman I know; I think she was trying to exorcise her embarrassment by selling her story to a magazine)

Sorry to hear so many biddies have odd parents - mine were kind and loving and very keen never to favour one child over another. Apart from buying me shoes that were too small (which I suspect is why my feet give me so much grief), I've really got nothing to reproach them for. Plus I have had a 95% relaxed and enjoyable life, however much I may grumble about malfunctioning body parts. Comes of not being British, probably, and having a banana tree by the door.
I have to say that I had an extremely happy childhood, except for the times when my mum would leave and drag me with her, so I went to all sorts of schools and then back to dad again. But yes, a happy childhood with lovely siblings!
My Mum and Dad were lovely...Mum's family was weird tho, not sure why...anyway they are all gone now. My Dad was an orphan, he was the youngest of 5, the other 4 were girls, all much older and working. He was brought up by his Dad and when his Dad died they put him in an orphanage. My own sisters are lovely except the middle one gets bees in her bonnet and then won't speak to whoever she blames. She's still not talking to big Sis and I over Mum's will but she sent us christmas presents, go figure.

Nowt as queer as families eh woofy?

The curry was divine, but unfortunately for me ,aughter came home, and had never tried curry (you must remember that this is the first real curry house here!) and decided to taste (ha!) my chicken dhansak which was extremely mild (can't abide real hot ones) and she liked it. Tried dad's madras and she wasn't too bothered so I had to share mine!
Even so am totally bloated and now on the bed watching last night's tv!
Evening biddies and don't get me started on family. Isn't it funny how we are so vulnerable as children that our childhood still hurts, a lifetime later. I try telling myself, with some success, that my parents too were messed up during their respective childhoods. They were both immature and they hurt each other so badly, and in doing so they hurt us too - badly. My Mum would have been a good enough mum if she'd married the right guy. But she didn't. And they kept the venom flowing right up till the end even though they had been divorced for almost thirty years when my mother died. I could tell you the details - have you got a few years to spare...? What I find hard to comprehend is that none of them *ever* said to themselves okay let's pursue some introspection here, maybe we shouldn't maim our children for being born to us as a couple.

But: For the last couple of years I've found I've let it go. I do talk about it still, but not for me, I do it for others, when they ask about it because *they* have a need to understand what went down. (cont.)
(cont.) But me, I am done. Not I-give-up-done. Really done, spiritually. Talking about it - and writing letters about it - really did help. I believe it's not the putting things into words per se that heals but the act of trust in doing so - trusting somebody enough to tell them about it.

getting married

mum and me, i was the third and she was pushing forty here

dad and me some december

Sleep tight, Mum and Dad. How I long to have loved you and how I wish you could have let me. But it's okay now - let it go, the two of you, too.
Oh well said Kit...and weren't you a fair angel?
Well Kit that has made me cry! What lovely photos, I only have one of My Mum holding me and that is in a family portrait photo taken at a studio. I was about 2 and not one of my Dad holding me.
Aw Jude, I'm sorry you don't have one of you and your Dad as well:'( It is good to have. Woofy thanks - I think everybiddy has spoken very movingly today. And yes I was a fair angel:) Some time later I developed corkscrew curls, I don't remember them but my Mum has said they were so springy and thick she couldn't help herself, she kept, to my dismay, sticking a finger in and pulling a curl out to watch it spring back ha ha ha. I don't have any photo of myself in those glory days but you can see the tendencies here (last photo for tonight, I promise;-)
Kit put what photos you like on they are lovely and I like to see them. You are auch a dink. I love little children and just want to cuddle them.

My friend sent me a bit of game so to change my mood i've sent it to you by email. If I've done it right.
Pleased you enjoyed your curry Neti (sorry for the Neto the other night) You've made me organise tomorrow's dinner for myself. Love it but like you it I like it mild. I have to defrost my Freezer first of all though. That's my main job to do.
Remember I told you I had to go for a blood test today. Well I decided to walk there and I was within a few yards from the entrance and I suddenly thought Blood Form I had forgotten it. Was the air blue! I ran back down the road and got a bus to stop for me to get me back round the ring road, then I had another walk to get my form and my car keys from home and get back to the clinic thinking that they finished at 12. Wrong again!! It was 1 so I needn't have rushed back. What a plonker I can be sometimes.
This afto I've done the edges on my back grass. Then I had a friend come who wanted me to print him some photos from his phone on my little photo printer I have.He didn't know I had it and has decided to get himself one. He thought I did them off my PC. We sat having a cuppa and a natter for about an hour in the garden which was really relaxing after my hectic morning.
I Hope you all have a good night. Still concerned for Mr S Shaney and thinking about you. I also all of you with aches and pains are feeling better soon.
My man is on at the mo singing Heartbreak Hotel. The very first 78 record I bought.
See yer later 'gater(s) x
auch* should have been such*
Sorry about the type os in the last posts, getting weary!
good morning all...another lovely start to the day, clear moonlit sky and some whispy mist. Dogs have run themselves back to sleep. me tooo............
Morning all, lovely photos Kit, how pretty! Yes parents have a lot to answer for, but I don't believe that we can blame our childhood for later bad behaviour. I think we have to learn to respect others. As I'm sure I've said in the past, some of the kids I taught had really bad times, but I woudn't make allowances (well I did but they didn't know) as the outside world wouldn't, and then then blow me, all you hear these days is, "sorry I had a bad childhood" and it's taken into consideration. Boris and Igor's hippy parents beggared off for a week leaving them to fend for themselves (they were 5 and 7) but somehow they got themselves to school most days, and they even stole and killed and ate raw chicken to survive. They got on the roof of the school and threw stones at us. Once we had talked them down and found out the reason, of course they went home with the Headmistress until the parents returned, who incidentally didn't see anything wrong. There were no social services at that time, because Spanish families all lived as one, ie grandparents, parents children, it was a lovely scenario which unfortunately doesn't exist now. anyway Boris and Igor turned out to be fine men, Igor is a film director and came back a couple of years ago to film the island of his childhood. You see, they didn't turn out bad.

Hark at me banging on!

Oh jude, that is so annoying. we have to have all blood tests done by 8am and luckily the new clinic is only 5 mins away from my house. Supposed to rain today, it was a bot cooler yesterday and the pool was so fresh, lovely.
gah, how can anyone talk about blood tests and needles and stuff on a lovely day like today....brrrrr.... Bad luck, Jude, I know how it is when you start things early adn still finish late because you've forgotten some vital element.

Lovely photos, Kit - was each one taken by the parent not in them, or were they professional?

lol Neto

Good morning was mispy whist... wimpy pists...what woofy too earlier but the sun's trying to break through now. There's a strange atmosphere like the world's waiting for something to happen.
What a glorious day it was yesterday, the sun was quite hot in the afternoon, I was sooo tired last night and it did Charlie good, he barely hobbled at all.

Great ebay story jno...banned and 'how blonde is your hair?', haha. Actually I don't think I've got to the point of over-ordering ...yet...but I have missed things off & ended up paying 2 lots of p&p. The regular sites I shop from have pop-ups anyway that say 'Now do you really want that/that many?'.. 'You'll look ridiculous in that'... 'Dream on, you haven't got enough socks to stuff that'.

Lovely words and pictures Kit, I've got so many photographs but my scanners not working at the moment...or my printer. Everything went haywire after I had new antivirus installed, now it seems to be anti everything. It probably just needs a tweak.

Well I'm glad you mentioned blood tests Jude. I had a letter a couple of days ago changing the time of a hospital appt in Dec (that I didn't know I had!) but I haven't got a request form for blood tests from last time so I've just phoned to sort it out. My ear's burning, it'll be them saying 'Was it that dozy blonde?' :o)
I've just come back in to have a good giggle behind my desk at jno's comment in news re William Hague.
Amazing pics on the email jno, thanks.

Why am I the only one here, did the fire alarm go off?
it's such a nice day I was tempted to go out and get a life, but I have resisted. Our guests have departed for Casablanca; we've had sis over to lunch as she packs to return to Sydney, plus a friend who's just back from living in a tent under curfew in Haiti working on earthquake relief and full of depressing stories to tell. So the house is all peace and quiet and the dieting can begin.

Yes, I laughed at poor Annie's ebay adventure but I have never actually been on ebay myself, so I shouldn't.
jno I have a friend living in Haiti working with United Nations. First thing he did was rush home to see if family were Ok, they were, but have also been living in a tent in the garden. he was also in a block v near 9/11 and had to run down the stairs of a sky scraper to get out. he seems to always be in troubled areas.

Great news, that air freshener that I wear has now been brought out as a Eau de Toilet (no comments please) but it's not as strong as the room one.

I like that game jude, it's driving me mad.
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Hiya all.

Just been busy catching up with you all. Lovely photos Kit. I have one of my dad and I that I will show you one day, along with other family ones. I have no scanner so have to take a photo of a photo and my camera has no batteries at the moment. What a sorry state!!

Had a lovely evening. Met Mr LL at Sheringham (he works near Cromer) and we took Meggie down onto the beach for an hour. The tide was out and we had a huge section of beach to ourselves. One exhausted dog who spent an hour swimming in and out of the sea retrieving stones.

They had a really nice meal at Holt. Told Mr LL we ought to do it more often. I haven't been down to our coast line for a couple of months. How daft is that!!

Definitely is the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness. Kept driving into low mists coming come last night. I do love Spring and Autumn. July and August do nothing for me.

Hope everything is OK with Mr and Mrs Shaney xx

Off to do a few jobs and then out into the garden.

See you later.

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