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Waterloo Road

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LoftyLottie | 17:22 Thu 05th Nov 2009 | Film, Media & TV
573 Answers
I know it's only fictitious, but the script writers are just so ignorant of how schools are run, what you can and can't do, LEA'S, etc. The whole thing is getting to me now!!! I watch it and am driving Mr LL nutty complaining about all the mistakes whilst I am supposedly enjoying watching it.

I used to quite like it. It is totally ridiculous now!

Anyone agree?


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I've tried the game, thanks Jude - I'm getting around 135 points but I will try to improve, promise.
I'm rubbish at that one too Jno. Well with the points. i kept getting around 40, see what I mean rubbish :~)
Just been looking through my photos and found one of a pen friend I had When I was a youngster, she was French and her name was Ann-Marie Lafarge. I wonder where she is now
Off to my bed now. Sleep tight Everybod. Blood results and hair cut tomorrow!
Later 'gater(s)
I've gone cross eyed with Sponge Bob Squarepants and his wobbly water skittles Jude !
I've renamed him Pee Bo Bellypants .
My score is about zilch .Can you ask them to slow that clamshell down a bit :)

Oh btw those pencil sculptures are amazing Jno .I remember some other thing I saw about miniature sculptures ( probably from an email) but can't remember what it was
On needles or something .
morning all....zzzzzzzz
Morning all, Weather seems to have definitely cooled a bit, or the humidity has gone, which makes a lot of difference. Of to have hair cut this lunchtime, am dreading it now. Why is it that whenever the hairdresser looms, one's hair starts to look good!!!
Bonjour la classe, another misty, woody morning but it promises to be as lovely as yesterday, I'm really enjoying it at the moment. If someone could just send me some bottled sea air that would make it perfect.

Oh well done Kit... go on, claim your trophy, I can show you how to wear it ...<I'll show her how to attract attention :o)>
there's even a presentation lunch...
I wish I hadn't sent the duck slipper baby to my sister, (don't think she's seen it yet) I could have knitted her some.

You mean no one got a strike on the bowling game? I like it but I've had a lot of practise doing bubble shooter...I used to play games to help me with the mouse when I first had a puta, now I'm addicted to some of them. Love spider solitaire & freecell too.

Know exactly what you mean about your hair neti,, I'm in the same state, my hair's a tad long now but suddenly it's looking ok so I just can't make that appt.

I really hope you make your trip shaney, it'll be a nice distraction. I'm not surprised your emotions are all over the place.
another lovely day though what a late summer. Maybe I will just bask all day

Bonjour Mes Biddyfriends Is it French today then Robi!! Please Miss can we have art next then I'll go home cos don't like any other lessons!!
Bloods all ok except for CRP (that means) up a bit but Dr. says that's due to the Colitis. So I feel ok now. Have to go in another 3 months for another one.
Having my hair cut today and am not sure whether I want to have a change of style or not will have a chat to my hairdresser. It's easy to do at the mo but I get a bit fed up sometimes with the style.
Hope you've managed to go on your trip again today Shaney. Apparently the weather is going to be good for a some days yet. The mist is lifting here now so the sun should be on it's way. Must be a change in the atmposphere as my hay fever is on it's way out, not sneezing so much or runny eyes.
Are you stilll zzzzzing Woofy? You bask all you want Jno, think I'll join you not much to do today!
Should have said Don't Know what that means about CRP!
Hey Jude...sorry :o)... Hope CRP isn't short for crip!
Summer is a bit late jno but it is lovely, I'm having more costume changes than Shirley Bassey at the moment...cold morning ensemble - don't scare the children shopping outfit - gardening kit - cold evening clobber. :o)

<taps fingers>....just waiting for the washer to do a quickie, if I have to shop one more time this week I'll go mad. I kept forgetting loo rolls & I'm having to use one ply at a time ;o)...

<Wonder if jno's got any in her desk? it's all embroidered & monogrammed >
CRP = test for inflammation Jude
Hi all, just been to hairdressers, well it's a young lad and he's brilliant. Have kept the length at the sides although slightly more fluffy and v short at back going into the neck, it 's such a weight off the neck. Love it. No products used. I hate products!
After a couple of tries I got 2 stikes, but it drives me mad.

Glad blood is ok jude, i don't understand any of it, just that they take too much every time!

Shaney hope you are on your trip and if not hope you are feeling better. Blub when you want to girl , you have enough to blub about.
Can you all just stand back while I.....

All the bloody way up there again to find that todays sailings are all booked up by corporate Hooray Henrys .Why couldn't they have told us that yesterday .
No ,they said come back tomorrow and she'll be sailing ..but obviously not with us on board .
Tomorrow and Sunday will be a waste of time as the place is packed with grockles for the Festival and that's it and she goes back to Scarborough on Monday .

.We weren't the only disgruntled ones though as lots of other people had turned up .
I was talking to another couple who'd been along twice and the chap was so incensed he said he was going to fire off a snotty letter to the paper about giving out misinformation and he'll be contacting the Maritme Festival comittee about it .
They'd come all the way from Norwich yesterday and today .

I am so annoyed as this boat was bulit here before the war and took part in Dunkirk and has lots of history .So we had a wander round and got some chips . Bah bah bah and Pee Bo Belly Bums .
Did I say weasther had cooled? Pee Bo Belly bums!! It's sweltering again, thank heavens for a bare neck!
(((((hellooo)))))) ...does my voice sound tinny? ((((((oh so THIS is a trophy)))))) ...I had imagined a Best In Show pendant/medal/ribbon bow but I'll never forget the word 'trophy' now:D Oh who am I fooling, I will have forgotten by next week. I thought I'd be able to remember the word for that green stuff that you grow for cutting onto a sandwich cos Robi your son had a funny name for it and I laughed at that and I thought I'd remember cos it was funny - but noooope. My brain is a sieve. Anyway Robi you could stun your sis by knitting the blue ones for her, the blue-footed booby variety - she'll never see THAT ONE coming ha ha!

Was gonna say "sock knitters ahoy" but I've got a feeling the 'ahoy' won't go down too well... Shaney that's infuriating. I'll come over and strangle them for you. This will cheer you up, it's the stretchy cast-on I mentioned yesterday You have to be very finicky about it but once you get the hang of it it's amazing. There's a corresponding cast-off as well It's Jenny Staiman in the first video - our duck slipper heroine - and she is the one who invented both these techniques.

Jude the doctor called, there's been some kind of cockup at the clinic and he will be needing some extra tests. Just take your scarf off and lie down and relax and the doctor will be with you shortly
(I can't believe you're allowed to say cockup. Cockup, cockup!)
stop that at once!

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