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Robinia | 12:35 Fri 31st Dec 2010 | Radio
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Does anyone listen to The Late Show, weekdays? What's happened to Rob Underwood?


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early night to have a read tonight. Oight oight all
I posted an early night oight oight and it vanished....going to have a little read and then get some zzzzzzzzz
I am turning in shortly as well.

Oight, oight Biddies xx
They've changed AccuWeather .Why do they have to mess about with things ..tut .No arthritis index anymore for the UK .How very vexing .
Oight Oight chums ,sleep toight .
Morning all. Lovely sunny day outside, am still in bed.

Enjoyed Mad dogs, although they were supposed to be in Ibiza, and they weren't, I mean why pretend?
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Morning all...dark and wet one it is too.

Neti do you think they're going to film anything on Ibiza when there's always the danger you''ll come whizzing through the set on ya golf cart wearing paisley leggings? :o)

They seem to be changing all the weather websites shaney but they still can't get the forecast right for Derby.

Thought it appropriate and all that Singing in the Rain with special subtitles for Spanish Neti!!

It's a bloody awful morning and I have to go out later for an eyetest.

LOL at your description of Neti on the golf course Robi!!!!
What have I done to picked on .....

That clip translated it almost correctly but not quite, that's why I hate subtitles, they never actually say what is being said, bit like filming somewhere else and saying it's here !

No get one thing straight, I would never wear paisley leggings, would look like varicos veins, and I have my pride!! Leopardskin are fine and fashionable!!

When they were filming "Kevin and Perry Go Large" over here, we were dreading the early morning scenes by the beach as we expected hija to come staggering through the mists on her way home, and Mr N actually cycled miles after the film crew, not that he knew what he would do when he reached them, not like me, I'd have been in like flynn!
Good Morning Biddyfriends. Do I feel better? I sure do thanks for all your help. Just being there. I had a really much better night's sleep. Even though he weather is absolutely diabolical says she who is supposed to like walking in the rain. I did walk to the paper shop with my umbrella though.
My heap is still misbeghaving though.

If I wore leggings they would have to be grey or black with a brightish coloured dress I think. I could never where fancy patterned ones even though I like to see them on other people.

I hope you all have a good day without any aches and pains playing up.

I'm having home made cottage pie today for my lunch and have prepared all the veg already.
Popmaster's on now. Laters 'gaters...
Morning Jude. So glad you are feeling better x

No definitely no patterned leggings any more. I did wear leopard print ones in the 80's. These days, grey, black or dark brown. Nothing else.
Thanks Lottie - x
ooof, took dogs out this morning, went back to bed at 06.30 as usual. Woke up at 08.00 dogs asleep beside me, thought I'll get up in 5 minutes, next thing I know, its 12.00, I guess I must have needed the sleep but amazed that the dogs slept for so long although maybe not as they are a right pair of lazies. Out to coffee at 3 so i'd better get on.
Back from opticians and a few other places. Best eye has deteriorated a fair amount and is now worst eye. Going to get some varifocals to wear mainly when I am at home, which is where I have the problem because my glasses aren't on hand all the time when I need them for close work, and nowadays also for cooking and eating. Good job I have a friend in the industry!! £145 instead of £250. Mr LL has to go tomorrow!!

Also got more passport photos as I used the other horrible ones for my bus pass. New ones slightly better but I still look like an old witch!!!

You must have needed the sleep Woofy. I think it is good to give in to your body when you need sleep, just like animals do. Do the boys actually sleep on the bed beside you like what Meggie does (they are somewhat bigger than Meggie!!)
Hi folks
Horrible day here .Cold and wet. Bleugh . Nothing doing .
Bumped into my cousin in the High St this morning . So treated her for a coffee and cake and listened to her catalogue of ailments . I didn't bother to try and a get a word in edgeways .
After about an hour and a half said must go and get a few bits in Morrisons ....Oh I'll come with you ...deep joy :)
By the time I got home I felt as if I'd been put through the bloody wringer and Mr S was peering through the curtains wondering where I'd got to ...Lol
Hope you are all OK ...want my dinner now ..starving .
See you later xxx
Hi Shaney, I've been in all day and it just not stopped persisting down. Not doone a great deal, have some ironing I might so when I've had my tea. I will have to go out tomorrow for a while I just hate stopping in all the time.
Hope the rest of you are ok and have a decent day not counting the weather. See yer later 'gater(s).
Been lovely and warm here, but chilly now. Bought a pair of black uggs, just because I could!! Hija cooking us a 3 course meal. Washing machine leaking again, I think it's the machine and Mr N thinks it is the pipes!
Shutting down for the night. Going to feed animals and then watch Tele. Mr LL is on his way back from London. No cooking tonight, just sarnies.

Have a good oight everyone

Oight Oight

Oight oight Lottie sleep tight. I'm going to watch the Snooker then I'm off to bed so oight oight from me too to everyone.
hello all, yes lottie, the dogs sleep on the bed. Its very comforting. I just had a nice tea. Fried cockles and salad. You toss the cockles in flour and fry them in oil till crispy, supposed to be deep fried but I shallow fried them. Definitely one to do again. I had a lovely coffee with my mate too and would you believe it, I am tired again. Eternal law while I digest then bed I think.

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