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Robinia | 12:35 Fri 31st Dec 2010 | Radio
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Does anyone listen to The Late Show, weekdays? What's happened to Rob Underwood?


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Good morning, only it isn't. It is grey and miz here too and I feel grey and miz. Had a bad night full of nighmares and pain in my back and under my ribs on the left hand side. Took arthritic tablets and paracetamol - more nightmares and couldn't wake up. Eventually got up with splitting headache and a bad IBS attack, so am going to tuck myself up back in bed and try to get some refreshing sleep. Blow what needs doing.

Sorry for moaning!

Bee back later (buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz )
good morning. I was pouring earlier but we still went out. Wuss dogs didn't want to run around in the rain again, so much for them NEEDING daily walks. Anyway we had a good potter and came home. Tortoise is pigging out on expensive fruit and veg in the spare room (did I mention that she has woken up two and a half months too early?) so my spare room is now her home till march/april time, so much for reorganising and redecorating, happily its not the room that Sis sleeps in. Its a great relief that she is eating as she hates being indoors and normally goes on hunger strike which means force feeding which is difficult and painful cos she bites!
I hit submit by mistake. Lottie I am sorry that you feel rough, hopefully you feel better and are rested now, I have had two grey days here but am chirping a bit today. Jude have you stopped itching?
a special room and diet for a tortoise, blimey woofy! we had one here in the 70's and it just did it's own thing, we fed it lettuce and when my mum picked it up and stroked it's head, it would pee on her.

Managed to get the blinds home, and when I offered the lady extra for bringing them to S,Eulalia,( I was going to collect them on the bus) she refused and discounted me another 3€. Do I look like a needy old woman? still am delighted with them.

Sun's in and out and rain speckles, but very cold (OK OK not as cold as over there, but it is far more moist)
This one does her own thing all summer but she shouldn't be awake now and its way too cold for her in the garden. She weighs nearly 3 kg and stomps around like the Terminator so needs her own (centrally heated) room. She likes being stroked and runs over when she sees feet because she knows they mean food.
Hi All.
Sorry you're not well Lottie. You moan as much as you like. You let me! I feel a bit better today. I still itch but not all over. It's attacking 1 part at a time. At this very minute it is my boobs, literally, excuse me....that's better.
Woofy you are patient lady with your pets. The only time we had pets, apart form the 2 dogs, was when my son brought home 2 hamsters from school for the summer holidays and so after they had gone back we had one and he called it Hammy. Then when it went to Hammy Heaven he had a guinea pig, called Streaker, because when he was put down in the lounge all he did was run round and round the skirtingboard. When they both died they had to buried properly according to my son, in the garden. So I put them in a cardboard box and I have a handkerchief like a union jack from the First World War. ( My Grandads) and We had to cover the box with it to walk to the spot where they were going to be buried.

It's just gone really dark here and still drizzling I think.

I'm off to wash the pots now, then I'm going to sit and watch Countdown.
Laters 'gaters
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a'noon...well the weather didn't brighten up and neither did I. Move over for another moaner.... I'm a woman of two halves, the left side's ok, but oh dear, the right side from my head to my feet aches like hell and I'm sooo tired. If I was in hibernation I wouldn't want to come out until English strawberry time. :o)
I started to itch when reading jude's post. Yes our large patio and the terrain are covered with animal graves, even a cochroach called stewart! There's budgies, cats, insects and fish from the sea (little wonder they died, although everyday I collected sea water from the shore and drove it back for ). When Charlie was put to sleep it was late and Mr N hadn't prepared a grave, so poor cahrlie's body was in the car overnight, then Mr N dug a hole and I buried charlie, but was not happy cos it was where we reverse the cars, so the next day, Mr N dug another grave further down the land and I had to dig him up and rebury him, he looked awful, but he was wrapped in his favourite blanky. He has a lovely grave with marker. Missy was out first cat and she is under the patio by the swimming pool with a lovely cement heart made by our 8 yr old hija. Budgies etc scattered all over the place. There's even an old satellite receiver under the patio for future generations to come and find it and wonder at how backward we are!!!
Robi, why don't you ask Woofy if you can share a room with Miss Tortoise until the springthen!! You will get central heating and good food and know you will get fed when you see Woofy's feet. I must admit I am very much like Woofy with her pets, they are given home comforts. We had a tortoise called Ozzie, but one year he died in hibernation, bless him. He loved his head being tickled.

I get one sided aches and pains I must admit - usually the left side. I think with me it is something to do with posture due to back and arthritics. Hope you feel better soon Robi.

Thanks Jude for letting me moan xx

I went back to bed and am now up and had two packets of baked crisps a whole tub of humous and some ryvita followed by chocolate (so I will probably be sick). That was what I fancied. I do feel a lot better than I did earlier.
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That sounds like a good plan Lottie, just as long as woofy feeds me on something other than salad leaves and grapes :) I don't know what to have for my tea/dinner/whateveryoucallit. It'll probably be a lazy do involving chs or srdns.
Hello biddybuddies
Yes what a grey day .Pitch dark here now .Sorry to hear some are under the weather .I know the feeling . I've got aches on me aches today .Awful pain in my groin .I really ought to go and see about this hip pain but can't be doing with doctors atm.
Ah yes ..dear little hamsters ..I left a whole graveyard of hamsters and goldfish in a garden in SW20 and old Mickeys ashes were scattered around there .

Woofy ..I've ordered this yarn from QVC but have no idea what size needles to use and how many stitches .....can you advise me please . Did you have a pattern ?

Going to make something to eat now or Mr Portillo will be waiting at the station and I'll miss me train .
See you all later .
What is all this Portillo nonsense??
Portillo is presenting excellent documentaries about trains and railway routes nets. He is a great presenter. I really like him now, but didn't when he was an MP.

I order this dress (yes I know what I have said about dresses!!) and I am delighted with it. It fits perfectly, hangs well and makes me feel good. I will have to get some black tights, although black leggings and boots will be OK.


I am trying to get a few things together for Russia. It won't be very warm, so jeans, leggings and tops during the day, but I need a few special things for the evenings, even though it is a very casual cruise.

A pet Satellite receiver Neti? That is taking things too far!!
Great British Railway Journeys Neti .We're on Season 3. He travels about with a Bradshaws and sees how things have changed since he wrote his railway guides .
He's very charming and this season started off at our railway station here in Yarmouth .

Nice dress Lofty .
I love that dress Lottie, I wish it suited me.
Robi I am sorry to hear that you are one sided. Shaney, does the damp make your hip ache? It doesn't do my knee any good.
I think you get all the instructions with the wool but just in case, the needles i used are 4.5 mm. I used 7 stitches but if you want a shorter wider scarf then do nine stitches.
I am actually short on choices as far as the tortoise is concerned, I can't put her outside because she will die. I can't put her back into hibernation because she will the only thing is my spare room.
Just to say Sorry Robi that you're not well either I wasn't ignoring you. I hope you get better too. I was going out with a friend tomorrow walking but instead I'm going over to her house and we're going to a short walk and a new eating place earr where she lives.
I love that dress Lottie - wish I had the nerve to where leggings with skirts and dresses. I haven't had a good clothes shopping spree for ages.
Nice dress lottie, maybe I should think along those lines,

Buck up Robi, it's only winter making you downcast, get a lover!

I also liked Portillo when he was on a prog looking after some poor children, I do not like mp's as a matter of course.

I have my first zumba class tomorrow and would you believe it, the ole hip is aching like billyo now! Psychosomatic ???
Jude, you would look great in dresses and leggings, you are so beautifully slim!! You too Neti - lovely comfortable way to dress in my opinion and quite good on all shapes and sizes.

That's Neti at the back with the blonde hair


oight oight x
Seriously Neti, you do need low impact excercise with arthritic hips, or arthritis of any kind. Zumba is not low impact generally.

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