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Whitechapel tonight

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shaneystar2 | 00:04 Tue 06th Mar 2012 | TV
1089 Answers
When they went into the house to arrest the man they thought was the murderer and he was watching that old film there was Kent and Stockman but who was the other guy ?


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I'll come and sit next to you Robinia and we can swop war stories .But you'll have to excuse me if I keep dashing off .
Grrr weather here too and very windy both out and in ! I think I've picked up a bug .This isn't IBS .I went to bed really early and had a rotten night with the rain beating on the windows and then in and out of bed .I feel as if I've been pulled through hidge ar.. first today .
However I hope everyone is reasonably alright .All things must pass
whooo, I'll see if he's up to the job woofy...if not I'll keep him pinned on the wall anyway. :)

Oh poor you shaney, sorry you're still poorly too. Yes I think mine was probably a bug (cos I felt so awful days before it all took off) but it leaves you with such irritated insides. Fingers crossed this is the first day this week I haven't got stomach pain, I just feel boogered. I'm not sure what kind of lining slippery elm puts on your pipes but it certainly puts a hefty one on the saucepan. Keep warm and take it easy, it's wild here, B movie style rain and gales. I ran the heating through earlier, it's ridiculous.
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Where do you get that Slippery Elm Robinia ? Can you get it a Boots or Superbug ? Is it like Complan ..milky.
Im on peppermint tea now ..sheesh ......
Just popping in now that I hav3 a moment, I've washed 2 loads and ironed them, made 2 ,lunches and a chili for dinner, hoovered all the house, washed up umpteen times! so now having a cuppa on the bed with the ceiling fan on.

Poor shaney, can't give any advice though, you probably know more cures than I do. I was a bit bunged up but snails have sorted that or maybe the umpteenth glass of beer and the mojitos that I had last night! Fiesta's over now until a Golden wedding next Sat at Craig David's old house


He's a singer apparently!! (but I doubt he'll be there for me to cavort over!)
I have Thompsons Slippery elm food shaney. It's not the pure stuff, it's mixed with cornflour I think and you make it with milk like custard, as thin or thick as you like (depending on how great the need for slowing down is, lol)

Some health stores sell it, Tarquin gets mine for me from one near to where he lives. You can buy it online too...
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Good grief's coming down here in a sheet of rain .You can hardly see out of the windows .
Thanks for the info Robinia .I'm going to order some from one click pharmacy By the time it arrives hopfully I won't need it but it'll be useful to" have in " my mum used to say :)
I swear it helps, It's a slightly earthy taste but I like it with a spoonful of sugar in. I suppose you could add ginger or cinnamon, they're good for the collywobbles too I think.
oh, the horizontal rain reached you? That's how it was here earlier. I've been drifting round looking for a longer line waterproof jacket....p'raps I'd be better looking at Lowestoft sailing clobber. :)
well about a third of the attic is now in the garage for disposal and that's just the first pass! Celebrated by going out and buying a new clematis.
Raymond Evison's Diamantina
I had looked at it before but all the ones they had were in full bloom so basically over for the summer. this one is full of buds.
nice council man has given the go-ahead to pruning and says the one next door can go any time - turns out it's not a fir, it's a leylandii, which explains why it's higher than Ben Nevis. Guy next door wouldn't mind getting rid but worries about the cost so maybe we can offer to pay half as it shades our garden more than his.

Sorry to hear everyone's innards are upset. I have spent the last fortnight stuffing pellets where the sun don't shine - if I do it much longer the sun will start to shine there - but I think it has now dried up, fingers crossed, and legs. I have been out in three sun showers today, which is unusual, but it looks like it's mostly raining on Blackpool
good morning all, is everyone still in bed? We had visitors last night and all went to bed exhausted so slept in. Poor Shughy, he was helping me with the boxes yesterday. I had left the spare room to go to the loo and he came shooting out after me in total panic. He had done his usual trick of settling down to help by snoozing right in the middle of everything and had got a long bit of old parcel tape stuck on his bum! He must have though the dog monster had grabbed him. Anyway I pulled it off and gave him medicinal dog treats and he was fine.
<<wanders in whistling.......wanders out>>>
Good...erm...a'noon all,
what on earth's happening with the weather?. It's midsummer and some people are up to their watnots in flood water. I couldn't get to sleep last night for one reason or another and awful reports were coming in on the radio. Tarquin's in the Lake District, he was supposed to be taking part in the great north swim but thankfully it's been postponed. It might take place tomorrow but I'd be a lot less worried if it was cancelled altogether. I hope it's ok where you are.

lol at Shuhy. Charlie got some sellotape stuck to his paw once, I could hear a crackling as he came toward me. He sat down, held up his leg and gave me the sad eyes. And some of the things he got stuck to his loppy ears beggared belief...twigs, seeds, worms, small slugs, sticky willy... :o)
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Hello all
Dreadful weather all round .It's blacking up here again and I've got my eye on me washing !I'm seriously thinking about posting it all off to Neti at el servicio de lavandería .
Hope you are all OK anyway .Nothing doing here .The germans won the footie thank goodness or it would have been glum faces at Shaneytowers .
Decisions ,decisions ....poached eggs or cheese on toast ?
chicken and chips....bit of a digest and back to putting rubbish in the garage.
lol shaney, it was scrambled egg or chs on toast for me. I chose chs and now I've got a chrry bkwll...ain't life exciting?
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Well I hope your tum has settled a bit Robinia .Mine seems to have at last .
But I'm not tempting fate by eating a load of fruit and veg atm .In fact I sent Picky off last night after the footie with some melon ,grapes and pineapple .I dare not eat it .
I may have a stodgy sausage roll later and some more stodge in the form of bread and butter pudding .Mr S has got those awful herrings (yuk) and fried spuds .
Btw Woofy when you've finished sorting through your stuff can you come and sort through mine .My spare room is still stacked up with the contents of my ma in laws place :(
I just don't know what to do with it all .
I know Shaney. I decided I had to do a rough cut first. Just all the stuff I knew I wouldn't keep like a box of steel toe capped shoes and boots, a old load of china, ancient computer software and manuals. Its all going down the stairs and into the garage and from their at my leisure (when sis is her to help) I will sort it into rubbish, charity and freecycle.
The boxes that are left need to be sorted through in detail and the bits to keep (mostly chrissy decs) repacked into proper storage that I can manage myself and put away.
There is walnut cheese bread rolls in the oven and steak thawing for dinner.

I tell you what, I have been chugging a berocca daily, not the one with caffeine in, and it definitely seems to be having an effect. They are 3 for 2 in tesco at the moment.
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The trouble is with my stuff is that it's all ancient history .Lots of pictures .Stuff dating back to pre WW1.( The ancient great aunts things ).Then enough linen and glasses to kit out Buck House .Sets of cutlery (silver) and God knows what else .I managed to get rid of a lot on the Germans ..huge old fashioned dinner service which was made somewhere in Prussia pre war ..which doesn't exist anymore !
Boxes and boxes of books ,all in German. Nightmare .
I had a quick shufty at my clutter...and that was that, haha. Why can't I even throw empty cardboard boxes out? All sizes, one inside another and another, like Russian dolls...I just think I might need them to put something in/disguise a xmas pressie etc. And paperback books?! Nothing educational, many are women's novels I pick up in charity shops for 'something to read'. I hardly ever read anymore, if I don't know what else to do I loiter about on internet corners :o)
^ ^ ^ looking at my grammar you'd think I couldn't read at all :o/

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