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Whitechapel tonight

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shaneystar2 | 00:04 Tue 06th Mar 2012 | TV
1089 Answers
When they went into the house to arrest the man they thought was the murderer and he was watching that old film there was Kent and Stockman but who was the other guy ?


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morning all, Sorry i missed you Dolly. Be brave jno, I am done with implants for the time being but i would never say never.
Its a nice day here...think i might have a potter in the garden.
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Sweltering here, hate it. Hip is killing me, so painful, I have tablets to take at night but not working so have taken paracetamol, but not sure if it should be Ibruprofen, can someone tell me to get rid of the pain?

Hello Dolly x

No shaney, Spain will win, I insist, although I wanted to see an England/Germany match!! and nadal will win Wimbledon, OK everyone!!! What's with all these flower photos?? SCWEAMS!!!
Anyone see The house that 50's built? I did enjoy it, ah memories!
Neti provided you have eaten, you can take both. take the paracetamol, then two hours later the ibuprofen then 2 hours later the paracetamol. You must take ibuprofen with food in your stomach and don't exceed the stated dose of either. They work in different ways for different types of pain and are metabolised differently.



A fuller report may follow later

<Waves feebly to Dolly>
Oh dear!
oooooh jno, what happened?

Had a stupid 'nonday' as I call took me 'til midday to clear my head, it felt like cotton wool and I just couldn't function. Then I spent all afternoon waiting for a gardener who neither showed up nor called to say he wouldn't be here...What's the matter with people, they've all got bloody phones?! grrrrr
just the usual toothworks, There will be a delay with one of the teeth as a bit of jawbone had shrunk, so he's built it up with grafty stuff and I'll have to go back for the implant. The other one went ahead. But the injections were uncomfortable, writhing on the chair so he can get at the top teeth is uncomfortable, and the anaesthetic is starting to wear off, so out with the cocodamols and things. I tried a drink of water but of course it went all over the floor as half my face is numb, so I don't know what I will wash pills down with.

I might try some yoghurt.
Can you drink through a straw, it's easier when you're numb? I know you're not supposed to after an extraction but I don't know anything about implants.
You aren't supposed to after implant surgery either until the anaesthetic wears off. Yoghurt is a good idea.
Poor jno

I hope it all settles down soon.

Have been amusing myself reading this!!!

Biddy underwear.................

hmm, I could just about fit in three of these (if they were knitted together)

Good evening Everybiddy. I've read through all your posts since last Thursday and I hope all aches and pains and all sore 'Thises' and 'Thats' are getting better now and the weather is good for you as it is here and that is helping you feel better. And cooling down for you Neti.
Good to see you Dolly and keep up with you on FB looking at all your photos.
I have been away from Friday to Sunday in Berkshire and had a really good weekend, especially in a Cantonese Restaurant where I had a lovely 2 hour long 'feed-in'.
When I got back yesterday I watched the match. I had a bet with a man on the train home that Italy would win by scoring in the last minute and he said that he thought it would go to panalties so we were both right.
I have had a busy day today as I had to go to a funeral. I went for a long walk this morning (1½) then after the funeral I went shopping to Boots and Sainsburys. Then I've been printing photos and stuff on here and this is my last thing before closing down. Must try and catch up with some tennis tomorrow when I've been to the dentist.
Anyway that's all for now hope you all have a good night - see yer later 'gater(s)
1½ hours and penalties - just correcting my mistakes!! :)
soft pesto pasta for dinner, that went down well, pretty soft and able to be eaten on the other side of my mouth. Plus I've got some erithromycin to take every six hours with meals - heavens, even I don't have a meal every six hours, so my timing will have to be a bit elastic.
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Good grief Lofty they look like instruments of torture !
Good job your not wearing a corset like that Jno or you'd never get your food down past your teeth :)
Hope they're a bit less painful now .
Bright and sunny this am rapidly turned into dull and cloudy
I've amused myself looking at Britain from Above .Fascinating ..but very slow to load .I expect the whole of the country is looking at it since it was launched today .
Good prog on BBC4 btw Jno called A Strange Case of the Law .Three parter presented by a chap called Harry Potter ( not the wizard) but a barrister .Very interesting .
Yoohoo Jude .Glad you had a good time .Oight Oight folks .
I am both tired and wired tonight....oight oight but maybe see you later
I haven't been able to get through to it, Shaney, so I have made a Mental Note.

Not watching telly, just sitting round and whimpering. Not really in agony but enough discomfort to keep me awake, i suspect.
Dear all, oh dear we are a sad lot, poor jno, I would almost go toothless than visit the dentist again (having said that I have an appointment tomorrow which I am cancelling!)

I am in need of a good corset, have an Golden anniversary party to go to on Sat and am going to wear hija's navy/white polka dot all in one tight top type thingy, with the same material wrapped scruffily round the head, looks quite good, but there is a change of pattern where the belly apron is, so have to flatten it! I feel a bit carmen miranda in it!

Jude no chance of the weather cooling yet, it's going to get hotter and if Mr N gets a chance this week he will get the pool up and running. I am covered in mossie bites.

Wish I was back in dear old Blightly! Oh typefont has gone "strange" it's all got a frame around it and a bubble saying "textarea#the answer.autoval ??? will go now before I get beamed up to AB's head office.
Morning all...cloudy and muggy here. I certainly don't need stifling by corsets, I feel stifled enough by life at the moment.

Hope you all have a pain free day...

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