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Whitechapel tonight

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shaneystar2 | 00:04 Tue 06th Mar 2012 | TV
1089 Answers
When they went into the house to arrest the man they thought was the murderer and he was watching that old film there was Kent and Stockman but who was the other guy ?


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No that is wrong.on phone i am Neti
here i is again
Morning all...I'm not talking about the weather...I managed to avoid all things footy last night and watched the Clive Owen film ....mmmmm

Lovely story woofy, I've never seen the Queen (or any royal that I can remember) in real life but I do vaguely remember being in a crowd waiting for someone to go by. P'raps I'm thinking of the day Jason King (Peter Wyngarde) came to town in 1970.

ooh heck, it's only monday morning and the netis are taking over, it'll be hairneti and fishneti next...

Hope any poorly dogs and aching biddies (I include myself in that) feel better soon.
Good morning. There seems to be improvement here which is good, its also pouring but as the garden needs the water I don't mind. Rabdog gobbled his breakfast today instead of picking at it so back to normal there.
We might go out later if I can stay awake enough to drive.....
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Morning all
Dull and cloudy here .Not a good start to the day here .Dropped an egg on the floor .Hope you are all OK .
oooh nooo...I have been known to do that shaney...yuk.
hello biddies. had my frst swim of the year this am, just im fully clothed, was lovely. Then made port sate and fried noodles and went to town for coffee and carrot cake, now back home and going to swim again. The poor meter man came stumbling up the path in the midday sun so I gave him some cold water to drink, poor sod! They have to wear thick long trousers and boots, I felt pity for him
you swim fully clothed? With paella in one hand and vuvuzela in the other, I expect. God, these old Spanish customs.

Having a lazy day. Feel better than yesterday but am on strike!!
Sorry that other neti was me trying to sign in with another account after hija embarrassed me, but it only works on android so here I is in all my glory!
my jaw is still on strike (though the colour and the swelling are receding), I am still woozy with nurofens, but I am going to dinner with a friend in Greenwich tonight, so a voyage across the big city is looming. I should be able to stay undercover most of the way, which is good. Tomorrow night is Dire Straits at Kew and the weather outlook is NOT good.

<wishes to be in the Mediterranean>
I've been watching the tennis...Murray leading but rained off. :(

Tarquin's into swimming big time stylie (don't know where he gets it from)...he did the Great North swim last week and Manchester one mile dock to dock in Salford Quays yesterday in just over 31mins. He's the one in the pink hat... :)
Oh Dire straits, how I wish!!
Hi All. Hope you're ok!
I'm so Happy for you Neti/Netibiza that Spain won. What a superb team. I have nothing but admiration. and I'm pleased it was goals during the game and not penalties!

I've met 2 famous people White Horse many moons ago and he gave me his autograph. I think he lived around Derbyshire or somewhere close but he was appearing in Derby sothing or other.

The other one was Segovia the famous Spanish Guitarist. He was at the Assembly rooms in Derby and I went to the stage door - there were only a few of us and we were allowed in 1 by 1 he gave me a kiss on the cheek after signing my programme and shaling my hand. His wife was in there with him. He was old then and I think it was his last British tour about 1976 I took one of my students with me who was spurred on to take Grade 5 in classical guitar playing and passed. I was so proud of him.

I hope you are feeling a lot better now Lottie. Keep taking the tablets.

I wish I was going to see Dire Straits too jno.

Djokovic is on court now so I'm off to watch a bit more.
Have a good night and see yer later 'gater(s)
Heaven knows where the story about my first encounter with someone famous went to but it was the bloke who plays Ken Barlow - Bill??? I met him in the White Horse a pub in Derby.
I know who you mean. He used to be a druid.
Had a really bleurgh day here, dogs bored and antsy so obviously better, weather *** and I got a mailbox full of rubbish today. Was going to start putting stuff in the attic but my ankle, out of nowhere, has given way twice today so best not to attempt loft ladder.....oh well, tomorrow is also a day.
asterisks are for 5h1tty
LOL Woofy!!! I wondered what the asterisks were for :):)
I have a huge mozzy bite on one index finger. I actually felt the bite, it felt like a hot needle. have dosed both dogs with kaolin and going to try for some kip.
Oight oight all
Oight Oight Woofy and everybiddy else. See you tomorrow, hope your fingers better then Woofy!

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Whitechapel tonight

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