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Whitechapel tonight

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shaneystar2 | 00:04 Tue 06th Mar 2012 | TV
1089 Answers
When they went into the house to arrest the man they thought was the murderer and he was watching that old film there was Kent and Stockman but who was the other guy ?


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Oh btw Woofy .....
Do tell about meeting the Queen
....bribes Woofy with chocs ....
Can I moan please. I have the mother of all headaches now and it really hurts when I move my neck and I feel grotty. I am soooooooooooooooooooooo fed up with all this.
And Neti stay (as sweet!) as you are!! It will be forgotten very quickly.
Shaney you twisted my arm....
It was in 2000. For the Millenium, the Crown Estate Office hosted two garden parties for Crown Estate tenants. One was in the Gardens at Windsor Great Park and the other was at Holyrood House DH worked for a company that was a tenant so he got an invitation for himself and companion. We all had different dangly badges (like racecourse badges) coloured according to what kind of tenant (marine, agriculture, commercial, large and small and residential) We were given tea and sarnies in a huge hot marquee, the queen was supposed to arrive around 15.30 IIRC and circulate around the marquee. It was a boiling day and Dh and I decided that we would prefer to go and look at the londoners we had both seen the Queen and Prince Phillip and didn't expect to be able to speak to them. Anyway we we stood outside the marquee in the shade and hadn't realised that we were on the Queen's exit route. Phillip spotted Dh's marine badge and came over for a chat while the Queen worked her way down the other side. She finished first so wandered back to collect her hubby!
I must have told this before but the dress code was smart casualish as many of the invitees were not especially well off folk. The guidance specifically said wear a hat if you wish but its not a requirement. I am of "that generation" so bought a hat and matching cream gloves. I swear to you that on that day, the queen and I were the only two ladies there wearing gloves!
Sorry have been sleeping off last night's partying and now getting ready to go to local bar for Spanish/Italian job. Am wearing an old red polo shirt of Mr N's to try to show my support esp after we booked a table and the waitress called us guirries (tourists!!) she was joking but I was not amused. Will catch up on threads tomorrow and wish you a a good night, love and thanks for support, still haven't got my hands on hija!!
There are many huge tv sets erected all over the island for us all to watch, I prefer to sit and nibble tapas whilst watching, not with the hoi poloi!
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Ooh I say Woofy lovely. I've seen her once but only in the distance at Epsom.
It was brilliant Shaney. My feet were killing me and I had toothache and it was still brilliant. As we left we were each given a Queen Elizabeth rose as a souvenir.
Dogs are asleep. tum problem all gone so early night tonight soon...we've all spent a good lot of the day kipping.
oight oight all
I am hearing faint sangria-fuelled cheering noises from the western Mediterranean; goodness knows what it is all about.
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That'll Neti ,Jno...dancing on the table waving her castanets :)
Oight Oight .
Oooops we did it again!! Yay forza espana. Had a lovely night, over ordered on the tapas and the beer, and we won, gave my vuvuzuela to a little lad, well Mr N did so maybe I will leave him ha ha! Not humid at all and a lovely evening. Viva Espanya!
Nothing faint about the cheers and the fireworks here jno!
When I dance on the tables taint my castanets that are waving about!!
you don't want to go showing your vuvuzela to just anyone, you know
<whispers... Is that really neti?>
moi? si soy yoX
aaargh they're multiplying
Is the attack of the killer Neti's? We are up in the middle of the night again, it seems the tum problems haven't quite gone. Poor boy is emitting gas (after a quiet day) and seems worried that it will be more than gas as he has to go out in the garden to trump. Oh well, sleeping in the day has its advantages I guess.
Good morning, haha on the phone i am n netibiza. Will get it sorted.

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