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Whitechapel tonight

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shaneystar2 | 00:04 Tue 06th Mar 2012 | TV
1089 Answers
When they went into the house to arrest the man they thought was the murderer and he was watching that old film there was Kent and Stockman but who was the other guy ?


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Morning all, have wine flu today, terrific party last night, so taking it easy until we go out to support Espana in the footy, I was given a cocacola vuvuzuela so will be shrieking that!

Hija went back to her apartment yesterday but according to FB she is still out partying!

Shaney hope your legs gets better soon. My hip has been aching for 2 weeks now but no point in seeing medico, he can't anything except more pills!! I did manage to dance all around the pool last night. Oh and Mr N is filling ours up as I type, yay! Very hot here, August heat!
morning all. Rab is past the worst and ate his breakfast cheerfully so that's a relief. Just need to catch up on sleep now......
Morning all..
Ooooh, did you see the tennis? Great stuff. I was on the edge of the settee/sofa/chaise hoping it would finish in time.

I could hear the fireworks from here Jude, I'm sure they don't need to be that bloomin loud, I feel sorry for the wildlife.

Sorry you're still feeling rough Lottie. I don't think I've got a wedding to go to in three weeks unless someone's going to do a rush job. (please Tarquin, nooo)

Hope the weather improves by then, very breezy today, the washing's flapping well :)
Morning all.

In the absence of a lemon in the house and in an effort to get rid of this damn gunge I have just had a large amount of Italian lemon liqueur with hot water and honey - hic!!!!
so Jude's just staggering in from Glastonbury, neti's been up all night clubbing, and I'm still sitting here clutching my jaw.

This summer thing is very overrated, if you ask me.
I often wonder who Hija takes over with her all night partying.....................................

Mind you I all night partied and my offspring never did. He is far more sensible than I ever was!!

Sorry your poor face is still giving you problems jno.

I have just gargled with salty water!!!! I will overcome this.........................................
Just come home and hija (drunk) has said that she has written some posts on here in my name, so am just checking, I will also change my username, and won't leave the page open again!
neti - mail
oh dear to any plant potty biddies it may concern, we've been told off in the science
Email from me too Neti
oh phew Neti, give hija a smack from me. i think the posts got removed. When you smack her wait until she is no longer drunk and has the mother and father of a hangover please.
We have just woken up and had sardine sarnies with plain crisps for brunch. Rab is now much better. I have squirted sardine juice all up my jammies and dressing gown. The dogs think I smell delicious but I'd better shower.
ooh, snap woofy, I'm just having sardines on toast for now

Rain!!! They said it would be dry today, grrrr...I certainly picked the right year to go on a water meter and buy a new clothes airer.
I've tried to change my username to Neti with a new addy and it has been accepted, but cannot sign in. I am mortified at what people must think of me. So let's hope they all understand that I am me and that was not me! Too hot on July 1st for this nonsense, so as she is not in range, I think I will kick every biddy just to make me feel better!!

We (yes we are still together!!!) are not lunching today as we are trotting out for tapas and to watch Spain win the footy!!!

<<< kicks Robi, woofy, jude, jno gently cos of the face: and shaney gently cos of the leg >>>
ooops lottie nearly got away without a kicking <<< kicks lottie >>>

there, I feel better!
but, but, but neti...sorry sardines in me teef...
how's that going to stop her doing it again if you happen to leave yourself signed in? And you'd have to have netibiza de activated wouldn't you or she could still use that? (if you were banned all your posts disappear I think and we don't want that, I like to look back and see all your ramblings...oops, sorry...informative and educational.... posts.

I'm confusing myself now...just kick her butt and carry on as netibiza.
Guess so Robi, I'll stay as me, it was panic!
ps I know it sometimes feels as though you've just appeared in the international press on here neti but it's possible only a handful of ABers saw that and they'll have forgotten about it already.

rubs shins...ooh, my poor sticks
if she doesn't know your password, you are fine, just log out...either that or up your threat level to defcon 3 lol. Seriously it was just a few silly posts, people will forget. Myself I found the posts totally not believable, my first thought was that your account had been hacked.
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Hi scientists
Hope you are all OK .bright'n breezy here but somewhat cooler than of late .
Nothing interesting happening here .Same old .
You'll just have to log in and out of AB neti .If daughter doesn't know your password she can't log in .How naughty of her !
mmmmmm tea and biscuits.

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Whitechapel tonight

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