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Whitechapel tonight

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shaneystar2 | 00:04 Tue 06th Mar 2012 | TV
1089 Answers
When they went into the house to arrest the man they thought was the murderer and he was watching that old film there was Kent and Stockman but who was the other guy ?


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jno, have you tried the Jubilee strawberries? they are superb. I had given up on strawberries because they were all so sour but these are excellent.
it doesn't say what ours are, just Driscoll's from the USA.
A'noon each...Keep popping in and then I get distracted.

Right San Diego it is then jno, of those it's the one I most like the look of. My first boyfriend went to live in California, maybe he's still out there, waiting for me to arrive :o) Sorry about your pain, I know it was for a different reason but my bruising took at least a couple of weeks to go.

Have you calmed down shaney? Some people are in way too much of a hurry to jump in and take over. Hope your leg's better today.
I know what you mean about the Portland Rd woman, my sister's going to watch on Iplayer this afternoon and I bet I get a text from her. :)

Jude I gave up waiting for 'hooter men', they go round the block and miss me, so I threw the things in with the other stuff that my neighbour took to the tip for me.
Yes, it's hit and miss weather here, I went to the shops and only just missed the heavens opening.

I'm supposed to be getting rid of things and I came back from the charity shop with another new and unused jewellery case (well I just couldn't put it back).

[i]Note to cosmos: Please send bling[i]
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Hello all
Haha Woofy ... Perfectly calm now Robinia :) Just waiting to win the Lottery tonight and we can go to San Diego .
My leg is still playing me up but I've got my socks on so hopefully it'll go down .
It's my own fault I should wear them all the time but it's too warm .
I love jewellery boxes .I never see any in Charity shops .I've got one Mr S bought me years ago with a little box inside that you can take out for travelling . But it's quite big and kept in a drawer . I'd like a smaller one for my dressing table for the favourite bits which I sometimes wear .
Jaw still hurting you Jno .....Strawbs are the way to go ! Hope it soon clears up .
Nothing doing here .Sun in and out and very breezy .

hehe, i was just testing something
well, you've ticked half the boxes there...
have just mowed the lawns. Big rough bit gets done with the petrol mower, tiddley tortoise bit gets done with a push mower. Dogs are slightly off colour not sure why, both are a bit sleepy and have got the runs....happy to eat though!
Hello Biddies

I haven't forgotten you - how could I. Been a bit off-colour (well a lot off colour actually) and have ended up on antibiotics, inhaler and nose spray to combat the effects of the virus (and a chest infection). I have been a bit down in the dumps because I suffer from an underlying serious lung disorder which had not been giving me any problems from years and have been worried that is has been triggered off again. BUT, heyho today I think I am on the mend. Haven't really any news. Have been doing things in the garden as much as possible and just pottering really.

Wedding is in three weeks today - how time flies!!

I have been trying to keep up with you but when I get down, as you know, I cease to communicate.

Friend in Spain phoned today and has invited us to stay in September/October. Dare I face another virus ridden airport, I ask myself!!

The answer is probably yes!!

The Mr LL's are off to the RAF Air Show in Lincoln tomorrow and the soon to be new Mrs LL and I are going out for lunch, so looking forward to that.

Still love you all


See you later.
is that a six-bedroom place in Spain, by any chance?
Hi lottie, nice to see you back. I don't think this humid weather is doing us any favours bug wise. Enjoy your lunch tomorrow.
Just three bedrooms, jno, but we can all share!! It's over 40 degrees there at the moment apparently - inland up in the hills in a very small town.

Must go and get some dinner x
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Yoohoo Lofty ....hope your bugs are calming down .It's buggy weather .
Yes count me in ...I don't mind sharing .Neti can sleep on the floor :)
I have a wedding to attend soon about the same time .My great nephew is getting married on 21st July .
Hi Shaney. That's the same day as Master LL's wedding!!! His is at 4.00pm in the Registry Office and then a party afterwards at 6.00 onwards.

We better dust our hats off.

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Ours is at St.Mary Martham .
No way am I wearing a hat !
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It's Oight Oight from Shaneytowers .
Leg up time .
I said.... "up " ....not over :)
Over and out .
Anyone want to borrow the hat (and gloves) what i met the Queen in?
Don't all shout at once....oight oight.
Had a good night at Darley Park even though it rained now and again but we were prepared. The music was good and the fireworks were ok. Have seen better but who cares it was good fun. Fuschia and Me had a good laugh getting through the mud to get out. We walked to town and were just in time to get the bus back to her place just gone 11. I'd left my car there so I wasn't long getting home to do myself toasted ham sandwiches . I was starving hungry. also learned that Murray had a bit of a scare but still won.
Tomorrow I'm going to havealazy day!!! :):)

Oight Oight all. Laters 'gaters!
Lazy day for me too. Shughy is fine but Rab still runny so needs garden access all areas. No outing in the forest to eat muck and make matters worse.
and i am still up, Rab has just settled....oight ought again

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Whitechapel tonight

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