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Whitechapel tonight

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shaneystar2 | 00:04 Tue 06th Mar 2012 | TV
1089 Answers
When they went into the house to arrest the man they thought was the murderer and he was watching that old film there was Kent and Stockman but who was the other guy ?


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Just watched Slumdog Millionaire .What a brilliant film .Bit of a tear jerker too.
Of to bed hoping I can get out of it on the right side tomorrow .Have been in a nitty mood today for some reason .
Oight Oight .Sleep toight .
I have days like that....I don't even want to be around myself....feel calmer tomorrow Shaney.
Glad you enjoyed the film Shaney - great isn't it - a real classic. I think I enjoyed it more the second time - often the way because you notice things you missed the first time round.

I think this summer is giving everyone nitty days!! What we need is an extended period of sunshine.

Oight, oight.

(I have been stuffing myself with Polish fudge - yummy (and highly nutritious!!)
Where are they all? :o(
good morning all. Its actually dry here. Shughy is snoozing and leg is much better, out tomorrow weather permitting. Rab is hunting the garden and I have tea.
it was sunny when I got up but now it is pouring. Story of the whole year, really. Osteo is making a home visit here in a couple of hours, so I must wash my neck.
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Morning all
Sitting here ,still in my dressing gown with a coffee trying to motivate myself .
I have some errands to run in the High St and have to go to the library .
It was sunny .It's now looking dull and I dare say It'll rain any minute now .
Or it will rain just as I leave the house .
I think that what I might do is have another coffee ......
turns woofy's video up loud

Morning's not supposed to rain here today...yeh, right, let's see how that works out.

Nitty?!! I'll show you bloomin nitty! :o)
I know how you feel shaney, I felt like hell yesterday, physically & emotionally and I just could not get warm. Don't feel a lot different today & my hips are screaming.
Glad you enjoyed Slumdog, my sister texted me to say she had too...I'm pleased I mentioned it, I thought the whole world had already seen it. I didn't watch it again last night, it was a bit too soon, but I will next time it comes around.

Sounds lovely neti, it must be strange to see a little you on film, I was never in the movies :o(

Here comes your osteo jno, stand by for a pummelling
there are no films of me either. I have loads of photos put away. I watched The Voyage of the Dawn Treader last night (CS Lewis narnia series) I really enjoyed it, they had changed the story quite a bit but been very true to the spirit, it took me back to my childhood and reading the books for the first time. I know Lewis had some bizarre ideas but I still enjoy the books and have my original copies. Its grey and dry here. I have a package turning up between 2 and 3 and am happy to loll around. Shughy is asleep and resting The Leg, I really have high hopes that today will sort it.
Stay in bed shughy because IT'S RAINING!!...agghhh...bloody met office, you can stick your new computer where the sun don't shine. And that won't be damned difficult will it??!!
and its now grey and wet here........
sun's out here again. Make up your mind!!
neti and Mr N stagger in under the weight of hijas possessions

We were up at 6am and still nowhere to park nearby, grr, so I trew everything into bags bins and boxes, and poor Mr N had to run up and down the stairs and miles to the car, finally got it all done and the flat cleaned, I felt quite sad!! Was a nice flat!

Now hip is aching and cos I had cramp in my calf that is also making it difficult!

Why is Robi nitty???
...and now hija is jobless, they have closed the private yacht office as there are not that many private yachts anymore, she has been paid handsomely, but I can't stand having her home all day!!!!! She's off looking for work this afternoon!
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I've washed and dressed myself and ironed my face ready to go out ....Thunder ,hailstones and hissing down .Stamps feet and makes more coffee .
Oh shaney, I'd love a coffee, with you!
We have just had a revolving storm here...not the hurricane type but a storm that starts then just goes around and around and doesn't move away. Shughy hates thunder and really panics, he tries to climb on my head which is not very safe so i put him on a lead and make him settle. Anyway its all over now and things are calm again. I bought myself a lovely nightdress and robe set on tinternet. Totally impractical but lovely. Cotton nightie and cotton jersey robe in pale blue printed with roses. The robe arrived and is lovely but the nightie didn't come...anyway it turned up today but its another robe!! company very aologetic and back it goes...maybe by the time I get it, the weather will be summery enough to use it.
another post vanished. Have they moved Whitechapel to the Bermuda Triangle?

Can't even remember what I wrote now but I'm sure it was elegant and insightful.
I just typed a whole long post about how nitty I am feeling and how everything has gone wrong today and I managed to lose the whole lot. So back later 'cos I'm even more nitty now.


(revolving storm here too Woofy, and Mr LL is trying to put a new roof on the garage and is not a happy bunny!!)
Ooooh, my long post must have joiined up with jno's.

(The day started badly, I managed to tip over my boiling cup of black tea into my lap!! Fortunately had a fleece dressing gown on, but have somewhat sore nether regions)

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