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Whitechapel tonight

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shaneystar2 | 00:04 Tue 06th Mar 2012 | TV
1089 Answers
When they went into the house to arrest the man they thought was the murderer and he was watching that old film there was Kent and Stockman but who was the other guy ?


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Bright breezy and sunny here...I could have done my washing after all, grrrr

It's been warm pj's and a wheat pack at night for me I lay there last night all huddled up I asked myself several times if it really was July.

we're all nitty neti...nitty as in irritable, not as in nitty nora (I hope)

ooh Lottie you've just reminded me, I was feeling shaky & weak & almost dropped a mug of hot tea in my lap yesterday. I had jeans on so the consequences would have been unthinkable.
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Hello again nitties
Well I managed to edge my way along the High St .......but just as I came out of the library the heavens opened .Got drenched .Then the sun came out enough to roast you and then down it bloody well came again . But I trudged round and got my errands done .
I've got washing all over the place .You can't get anything dried outside in this lot .
You poor lot, and it is sweltering here, horrible, and instead of sore nether regions, I have very sore under the boobies heat rash and have resorted to a 28yr old tube of TCP which belonged to my mother! I stink, but it seems to work! Hate these rashed, just sweat there so much!
ouch ouch Lottie, they say black coffee is bad for you.
oh pee po belly bum! I thought I'd go and put my chicken on....forgot to get it out of the freezer....again! if I eat any more fish this week (and with all the rain) I'll start growing bloomin fins. Yes, I'm already scaly, I know....
I have been sawing and hacking out there in between storms, showers and sunshine. Mr LL is still putting on the roof.

It was tea Woofy, black tea, and that obviously isn't good for you either. Nether regions have cooled down - it could have been worse. Son did much the say with black coffee just made with boiling water a few years back and had to go straight to the surgery with scald burns in his nether regions. He had to sit and wait his turn in the queue. Ridiculous - it should have been treated as an emergency. All blistered up but no lasting damage.

Finishing my tea and then going back out with my saw again. Gardening takes away nittiness in my case. Neti would be even more Nitti if she gardened. NittiNeti!!
ah, I see M&S sale starts at 8pm this evening, that's convenient. Moneysaving Martin says it will be online tonight, in store tomorrow. Of no interest to me as I only shop at Harrods, of course.
We eat fish most days Robi.

This is my latest portrait:

I better stay offline tonight, we are poor pensioners these days!! ;o(
I'm sure the tea is very healthy, even externally
he he nuttynittynetti !!!
naughtynuttinittineti !!!! ;o)
Would a T bag in the shower work jno!!!
What a good housework/gardening day for me. Defrosted freezer and 'bottomed' kitchen after that. Cut the front grass and did the edges and tidied up. Curry for lunch. Hoovered all over the place. Quite pleased with myself. Then I got the hedge trimmers out to trim things in the back and they wouldn't work so I have to get my electrician to look at them. I have checked the fuse but it's not that. My electrician is my neighbours husband so he's not far away and wont charge me much!!
Anyway I've been having a laugh at all your posts. That's cheered me up and relaxed me you lovely Biddies!
Hope you're all feeling ok. It's been good to have a bit of sunshine today and apparently it's going to be the same tomorrow. I have to go to Sainsburys to refil my freezer as there's not much in it at the mo. Just some chicken and chips and bread and a couple of pieces of fish. That's unusual for me it's normally stacked full.

Anyway hope you all have a good night and I'll see yer later 'gater(s)
we have had dreadful weather today with more to come. I have spent the day cuddling Shughy and stopping him from climbing on my head. He gets so panicky. I have a haircut tomorrow but if its going to thunder again I will have to postpone because I can't leave them. I've got a pile of birthday cards to post too but the family will understand if they don't get posted. The dogs are finally settled, hopefully the weather has gone over. rab has decided that he doesn't care about thunder any more and has been out in the rain chasing imaginary pigeons. Didn't get any housework done either...the place is knee deep in dried mud...still it can't look any worse.
The garden is full of piles and piles of pruned branches all ready for Mr LL to clear up!!

I feel satisfied with my efforts today. Have now cooked a delicious meal of tagliateli with chicken, pancetta, mushrooms, onions, loads of garlic, white wine, cashew nuts and creme freiche. Also had a glass of white win which has gone straight to my head. Just going to have apple and blackberry crumble and ice cream.

Meggie has gone to bed. A bit in a huff because she didn't get a walk today, but I did play ball for quite a while in the garden. A nice evening after a day of heavy rain/sunshine/hail.wind/more sunshine/volcanos/tornados/ hurricanes/snow.

See you either later or tomorrow.

(Have found a good pilates person in Holt who only takes three people per session and concentrates on people like me who have been told to do pilates for medical reasons. A bit expensive, but hopefully worthwhile.)
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Just waiting for the dishwasher to chug round .We have enough water outside without another disaster inside so I'm keeping a beady eye on it .
Your meal sounds nice Lofty .I had egg and chips ! Mr S had herrings .He'll look like a herring soon :)
We've had everything bar snow today too .Seems calm out there now though .
While I'm waiting I think I'll breeze round M&S .I doubt I'll run into Jno if she's lording it round Harrods .Only looking though .I need to save for my care home now . No more luxury items here and I'll be rationing the caviar .
Oight Oight folks .Sleep toight ...hope for a sunny day tomorrow or at least a dry one x
I tried breezing round m and s but the website kept freezing, too many happy shoppers I guess. Dogs are flaked. Hopefully we will get out in the morning as it looks most unlikely fri and sat. Oight oight all
Well, I have been to the M&S Sale and can honestly say nothing took my fancy.

But I have bought this to wear to the wedding



Do you believe me?

oight, oight.

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