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The man has been charged

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emmie | 17:05 Wed 21st Dec 2011 | News
142 Answers
the big man who got the student off the train recently has been charged with assault. What do reckon, right or not.


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how was he holding anyone up?

the matter was between the conductor and the passenger - no-one else.

there are procedures in place for these situations and the conductor chose to ignore them and allow an thug of a passenger to take control - how did the conductor know what this man was going to do? how did he know he wasnt going to kick the crap out of this lad?

it was a stupid and unprofessional thing for him to do, and he should be punished too.
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rozia, i believe that it was with the consent of the ticket inspector, after repeatedly being sworn at, he asked the student to get off the train, something i believe he is entitled to do.
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sadly bad behaviour is so commonplace now, that no one ever seems to think what it's like being on the end of it. So now three people are in trouble, the ticket inspector, the student and the big man, happy now.
em10, who gives the bus conductor to give consent to a passenger to assault another, why didn't he do it, if he though it was the right thing!.
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what bus conductor, this was on a train. Perhaps he thought his heart might give out, who knows, he's not exactly a spring chicken, but he gave him the nod, rightly or wrongly. I believe the big man was right, and the student stupid and ignorant, and had i been on the train would have told him so.
As to the legalities, that has to be up to whoever tries this case, but hope he doesn't get charged.
Em - no-one is suggesting that the guard not ask for his ticket, obviously that has to happen- but if it transpires that he doesn't have one and refuses to leave then the right course of aciton is to call the transport police to remove him at the next station- very simple and drama free.
The ticket inspector should have got in contact with the transport police who would have dealt with the situation accordingly when they reached the next station.
Giving the nod to a bruiser like that to deal with a stroppy youngster is out of order.
Supposing that lad had gone down a real wallop and hit his head when that chap threw him off the train .He could have died and then it would be really serious .
The ticket inspector should be hauled over the coals too for not doing his job properly . There must be a policy in place within the train company procedures for dealing with these sort of situations surely .
It's not up to him to take the law into his own hands and neither was it up to the big man either.
<Ahem> I was actually being sarcastic...

However, it transpires that I'm a complete hypocrite. If someone had manhandled the racist tram woman off, I would've given them a virtual pat on the back.

However, I don't feel the same about Big Man, and it may be because on my 'ladder of dislike' racists feature much higher than lippy students.
I think shaneystar2 has made a very valid point.

I would go further - what if the lad had pulled a knife out and stabbed 'Big Man' (what IS his name by the way?).

I think secretlym we all want to see yobbish behaviour punished 'at source', but te best thing to have done in this case (as mentioned several times) would have been for the BTP to be contacted.
The conductor should have been able to control the situation himself. That is what he is employed to do. If the man who stepped in had been badly injured while intervening would he have sued British Rail?
sorry, but i think the big man was right to do what he did. too many people look the other way in society and that is why britain is going down the tubes. it's a sad day when anyone think they have the right to not buy a ticket and travel (and this lad clearly hasn't got one - i wonder if people had heard his list of 'excuses' for not showing he had it), tell a conductor to bu$$er off, repeatedly swear in front of children and demonstrate absolutely no respect for anyone else. perhaps if a few more scrotes like him had a kicking there would be less crime and intimidation across our towns and cities. sod being pc, caring and sharing or 'proper'...where has that got this country so far? if little Mangetouts like this had some payback, they'd certainly think twice about being a complete and utter prat. if this goes further than being charged, it'll be a travesty. if that was my child i would truly be ashamed of him and would give big man a pat on the back for dishing out a suitable punishment.
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sp, what if the student had been black, can see that situation not happening at all, seeing as how that would be construed as as racist incident. Perhaps the ticket inspector didn't have a radio to call ahead, not all of them do.
so hypocrite for applauding if the racist woman had gone thrown off the train for her ranting, but not a beery swearing student, who hadn't just upset the ticket inspector but everyone within the vicinity, children included
Icg, i mostly agree with you,
em - you are addressing this with your heart, not your head.

obviously in our hearts, we hate to see a gobby little Sugar getting away with a minor crime, and being rude to an apparently old man who was just doing his job... and feel he just got a clip round his ear to teach him a lesson... we get that bit...

however there is a whole load of more serious issues going on here - the fact that the big mans 'crime', in law, was more serious than the the boy not paying his few quid fare...
the fact that vigilanteeism is unacceptable, the fact that 'assault' - no matter how minor, is still assault and that is illegal,
the fatc that this could have ended much worse...the lad could have been seriously hurt, a bystander could have been hurt too etc...

even down to the david and goliath scenario - this 'big man' threw his weight around to a small man in an over the top manner - and that can not be allowed to happen... because whats to stop him next time the mood takes him?

he gets patted on the back for this - by lots of people ...and whats to stop his already inflated ego becoming even more emboldened and lashing out again and again, wherever he see some mild injustice or flouting of the law - and next time going just that bit too far and causing real damage...?

you cannot, under any circumstances other than self defence lay your hands on another person in a rough manner...
can anyone link me to footage that actually shows this lad doing more than just saying he doesnt have a ticket...?

so far, i havent seen any footage of him ranting and raving and swearing and threatening "in front of children"...etc

is there any evidence that he did all that - or are people just assuming?
I agree with joko.
The student accused of not paying his rail fare who was filmed being manhandled off a train by a fellow passenger has hit back, insisting to Sky News that he did have a ticket.

Sam Main, 19, from Falkirk, became an unwitting internet hit when the video of him being thrown off a ScotRail train was posted on YouTube.
The footage shows the student arguing with a conductor before another passenger intervenes to remove him. Its now had almost 1m views on the website
Mr Main, who is studying surveying at Heriot-Watt University, was grabbed by a man identified in reports as Alan Pollock & forced out.
In the video, the student is seen trying to get back on to the train & complaining that his belongings are still on board as Mr Pollock is applauded by other passengers.
It has now emerged that Mr Main's family may take legal action against Mr Pollock after the teenager was injured in the tussle.Mr Main insists he did buy a ticket for the journey on the Edinburgh to Perth service on December 9.
He says he was sold two singles in the same direction by mistake after buying separate tickets to save money.
Mr Main told Sky News: "I realised when I was on the train going to Edinburgh that both tickets said Polmont to Edinburgh Park.
"On my way home, I tried to explain to the train conductor but he wasn't willing to listen. There was no progression - it wasn't an argument. It just completely erupted & then I felt myself getting thrown off the train."
The student, who is diabetic, admits he swore at the conductor when he was told to get off the train but says there was no need for the passenger to intervene.
"I can't understand why a grown man would attack a young boy from behind & assault him & throw him off a train," he said.
"If he had tapped me on the shoulder & turned round & said 'would you please leave the train' I'd have seen he was such a big man & wouldn't have been messing with him. I'd have got off the train."
Describing the tussle, he added: "He lifted me out of my seat, I instantly felt myself go on the ground. The man landed on top of me. I think I hit my head on the way down because I was concussed.
"I opened my eyes and I was looking at the ground and I had hit my face on the ground of the platform. I stood up and realised I didn't have my bag on so I tried to get back on the train and again he just chucked me back down on the ground.
"I wasn't going to approach the police until after my last exam and even then I would have thought about it but instead the police came to me. I've spoken to them and given a statement."
The student added: "I could have handled it a lot better but it happened the way it did... I should have been given more time to explain myself."
Before the video became popular on the web, Mr Main appeared more amused by it - writing on Facebook on Sunday: "There's a video of me on youtube hahahahaha! Scotrail no ticket ;)"
His father Lenny has told reporters he wants Mr Pollock to be charged over the incident.
"This big guy has basically thrown him head-first on to the platform. Sam's landed on his face and has a big graze," he said, according to the Daily Record.
"He's tried to get back in the carriage to get his bag. He's diabetic and all his things were in that bag - his medication, his university notes, his money, his mobile phone & his iPod but he's been thrown off again.
"This man has to be charged & have his day in court. He'd no right to do what he did. If I was him, I'd expect to be charged"
British Transport Police have refused to discuss the case but a spokesman said: "A complaint has been received & inquiries are ongoing into the incident"
ScotRail has also said it is investigating & warned against passengers becoming involved in altercations between other travellers & its staff.
"While we welcome the public's support of our zero-tolerance stance on anti-social behaviour, our staff are trained in conflict management and we do not expect members of the public to take matters into their own hands,"
The conductor was a bit of a jobsworth. When you buy a single ticket, it has SINGLE printed on it. When you buy a return you get twi tickets, one with OUT and one with RTN on it. The lad sho wed an OUT ticket and said he could finf the RTN part. He did not produce a SINGLE ticket. To have the OUT part means he must have bought a Return ticket.

If the conductor should have given him the benefit of the doubt and shouldn't have behaved like a little Hitler.
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joko, the hundreds of times i have witnessed this scenario, and everytime the gobby bstard has come off without being challenged. One incident was fairly recent, the woman in question was a bus employee, not the driver of the bus. She was wearing the company jacket, and for no reason blew up at another passenger, everyone tut tutted and then looked away, she continued in this vein for over 20 minutes, so vile to go through this when going about your business.
The more people look away, do nothing, the bad behaviour continues. We see this every day, young who have no respect for authority, and the parents being as bad. Sorry no sympathy for the student at all.
lol... thats all totally irrelevant here... and it also explains the real reason you have a bee in your bonnet about this - your 'hundreds' of incidents...

read the facts...ignoring them changes nothing
The major difference being that buses do not have a dedicated police force whereas the GB rail network does... British Transport Police.

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