If the comment was racist, I've got to say, as a white man, I can't say I'm particularly bothered - I won't be getting bent out of shape, swivel-eyed, offended and demand action, partly because this woman is a joke and partly because I just don't care. If a black person wants to make a sweeping generalisation about white people (and I suspect I'm going to get hammered here) I really couldn't care less.
I haven't been able to stand this woman ever since her 'defending the indefensible' saga of a few years ago. Part of her election platform at the General Election before she sent her son to a fee paying school, was the need to support the local schools in Hackney.
I can't stand this type of hypocrisy, but Labour seem very adept at the 'do as I say not as I do' philosophy when it comes to schooling their children - see Blair, Harperson and Kelly.