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Another Superb Example...

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bazwillrun | 10:19 Mon 02nd Dec 2013 | News
114 Answers
of the filth we have infecting our towns and cities

of course its not their fault is it !?....must be somebody or something else, society is to blame !, but definitely not their fault


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No, I don't think he has.

Can we *please* not make this another thread about AOG? Pretty please?
I thought it was just branding the thugs sub-human. Whilst I don't agree with that it's an understandable phrase.

/// On the other hand, in the several years previously, do you think that it might have made a difference to the attackers if they had felt more connected with society or been brought up to show more respect to others? ///

If only, where would you start? by educating their parents in parenting skills? how much money would you throw at such an utopian dream?

Your words may be your personal view point on the problem, and you have every right to express them so I apologise if my personal view is not the same as yours.

Some may call me a cynic and others may chose to call me a realist, I rather think that the latter is a more fitting description.

We should never stereotype, but ...

A gal pal of mine says ... whenever there's violence, or conflict, or crime, or horrible things happen ... it's never the blonde lesbians who are doing it.

Take that how you choose.
AOG - It's not just about parenting skills. It's where they live, peer pressure, gangs etc etc. Good parents can be fighting a losing battle.
Don't apologise for thinking differently. I think you should be careful to imply that I was blaming the woman in any way whatsoever is all. I was not, and I'm not exactly impressed that you think I was. I'm not exactly blaming society if it comes to that, either.

I think the problem with your brand of realism is that it seems to be giving up too easily. Either you accept that the problem is always going to be with us and do nothing -- in which case why bother complaining about it? -- or you try to do something about it. I'm under no illusions that everything will magically go away in some utopian dream. But it's got to be worth trying to get there, no? At the very least you might reduce the levels of the problem. Taking it away entirely is impossible, because some people are always going to exist that are beyond help. But there's one heck of a lot of people who have turned or will turn to crime not out of choice. And those people we can do something about and should try to.
/Another Superb Example.../


But let's remember that only idiots use individual examples as though they prove some empiric point

they prove nothing of course, other than serving as 'another superb example' of the tendency for the weak minded to leap on any chance to vent their spleen on their pet prejudices

On the other is 'another superb example' of why it's preferable to avoid (if you can) night buses.

Tubes and cabs - better bet.
I suppose you would prefer AOG to save up, say at least 10 cases, before posting so it is not individual. That would probably help your little dream world that all is ok.

What utter nonsense. These scum walk our streets because for year the liver Lillied, hand wringing liberal left have sided with them above the victim. They laugh at the law because the law does nothing.

What's the betting, when caught:
a) They have records as long as your arms
b) One of them is tagged
c) They get let of by a right-on judge.

Yes, it is societies fault for allowing a minority (the chattering classes) to dominate our judiciary.
I dont see why we should all have to avoid night buses so that the right-on brigade can sit all smug in their Islington coffee shops pretending they are so righteous and correct?
When the liberal left were not in control -- in, say, 1979-1997, or perhaps between 1951 and 1964 -- what was the excuse then?
You have missed the point, it is not the Government is it.
It's all the fault of society, clearly these thugs have not had their quota of Safaris after their 300th burglary!
/I suppose you would prefer AOG to save up, say at least 10 cases, before posting so it is not individual./


Saving up 10 cases would still lack statistical context and therefore any validity.

You may have no experience of business YMB, or social profiling, or public policy setting; but as in most professionally run activities, they are best served by facts - not the hysterical and anecdotal prattling of the easily impressed.

Maybe I didn't explain myself properly. I personally avoid night buses - but only at the weekend, because they are normally full of very drunk or over-drugged young men whose testosterone levels demand that they fight with other young men.

This is the same reason why I don't get kebabs late on a Friday night.

I prefer to wait until the next day and buy a croissant in an artisan bakery in Islington...and then sit with my liberal friends reading the Guardian and complain about the the price of rocket salad, the scarcity of good Italian balsamic vinegar and how Costa puts too much milk in their macchiato (blah blah blah).

/// AOG - It's not just about parenting skills. It's where they live, peer pressure, gangs etc etc. Good parents can be fighting a losing battle. ///

What do you suggest then, move them all into more affluent areas, but don't you think even if they were to do that, within a very short time they would turn that area into what they have got now?
Could the young woman have 'dissed' these chaps in some way?

But there are pockets of scummery all over the country. Did you see the documentary 'Skint' on CH4 earlier this year:

You may want to give it a watch, but I warn's extremely depressing. It shows that behaviour such as you see in this video is not limited to any race, or geographical location - it's a national disease.
I retract the word 'scummery'.

Don't have a replacement yet.

Tell me if I am wrong but isn't what you are trying to suggest a type of social engineering, if it is then isn't it that experiment in such things, responsible for the problems that exist today?

You cannot import into one culture another completely different set of cultures and expect them to adapt to a culture completely alien to their own.

But if you do have a solution to this problem please point it out, especially if it all goes towards stopping some of the savagery that exists in Britain today.

Perhaps you would care to start with the problem of gangs, dare I suggest a return to National Service?

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