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Another B+B Tries To Break The Law.

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mikey4444 | 09:08 Thu 20th Mar 2014 | News
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Despite the case in Cornwall going against the Bulls, another couple want to break anti-discrimination laws. Why are people like this so terribly interested in what people do it bed ?


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When you are talking about somebody's home (complete with three kids) doubling up as a B+B, it seems to me that they should be able to accept or refuse anybody they want. for whatever reason they want. This is just another example of the gay lobby trying to force absolutely everybody to see things their way.
14:39 Thu 20th Mar 2014

"It is interesting reading this thread how some adamantly defend the law, when they personal agree with that particular law yet on the other hand criticise other laws that they are personally against."

In summary...people defend laws that they agree with an critique those that they disagree with.

Thanks NJ. You see what I can't get my head round is this, Her majesty the Queen is head of the Church of England, the Church of England believes in the sanctity of marriage ( between one man & one woman) when one gets married the marriage is blessed by a priest who blesses the couple in the name of God. From what I am led to understand the Bible states categorically that it is a sin for a man to lie with another man so is the Church saying '' it is a sin to be a practising homosexual''? If so why haven't they sorted their own house out & how can two men become married if their marriage can not be blessed in the eyes of God ?
Can anyone see why at my advanced age I am so confused ?
I trot this quote out a lot, but I'll do it again because I like it:

"The only reason conservatives want a smaller government is so that they can fit it into your bedroom."

I think it's from the West Wing.
So Ron...with your thinking atheists shouldn't be able to get married either?

Marriage is also legal protection.
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WR...there are lots of things that are said in the Bible but not everybody takes then seriously any more. Its all about interpretation. There are stories from time to time in the media about little children being made wards of court, because their Jehovah Witness parents will not allow then to have a life saving blood transfusion. That is why we have The Law, in order to rise above petty beliefs.

But I have always looked upon marriage as essentially a religious institution, but with added legal consequences. Presumably people lived and bred together long before all these religions had been invented. It seems that we have headed back that way, as more and more people choose to live together rather than be married. Its a rare Bride that has to be helped up the aisle because she is pregnant, which happened all the time in my younger days, and yours as well I expect. when did you last hear of a Shotgun Wedding ?
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oh God Divebuddy having to work without Breakfast

bleeeuch !
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/// Why? I said unwanted advances. How does that equate to the human race ending sometime soon? Frankly a bizarre statement. ///

You are not only putting my words out of complex but you are also being over sensationalistic.

No one least of all me is suggesting continuous unwanted advances, but how does one know if the first initial advance is unwanted until one tries?

/// Why should you be so discomfited at the notion that gay men and women might want to make advances to each other, too? ///

And where have I said that?

/// Why should you feel offended or threatened if some bloke propositions you? How is that any different from a straight man propositioning a female, or a straight female propositioning a man? ///

A load of difference if you don't believe me go into a pub or bar and test it yourself by going up to a man and asking him if he is gay.
divebuddy - "andy-hughes, what you said about no doubling up as home/B+B.

I've stayed in hundreds of small B+Bs all round the country. Quite a lot of them are just that; someone trying to make a few bob to help make ends meet. quite often a widow supplementing their widow's pension in a nice locality."

Quite so - but if you are taking in guests on the QT and not registered for VAT and all that, I bet you wouldn't draw attention to yourself by discriminating against any type of guest!
But people don't just walk up to someone in a pub and ask about their sexuality. Usually they would strike up a conversation first.
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I'd say that's on the presumption of the person having the same sexuality as yourself.

A gay person might ask that question in a gay bar but they are unlikely to ask it straight out in other bars.
"@AoG Digging yourself a hole, yet again.

This is what you said "If that was the case the human race would come to an end, haven't most heterosexual men partaken in advances towards the opposite sex,". I am quoting you directly, I am not taking your words out of context, nor am I being overly sensational. Some may take the view that saying that humanity will come to an end unless women submit to unwanted advances is the sensationalist ( and bizarre ) claim.

You have yet to explain exactly why it is that you might feel threatened or frightened or offended if a gay bloke did proposition you. It happens to women being propositioned by straight males and by men being propositioned by straight women, all the time, throughout history. Why should a gay male propositioning you be so different a thing?

Just saying "try it down the pub" does not explain anything!
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Famous quote from that old rascal Alan Clark ::

"How do you know an approach is unwanted unless you try ? "
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I know, but a gay man is very unlikely to do that knowing the majority of people are straight, unless in a gay bar...

/// I know, but a gay man is very unlikely to do that knowing the majority of people are straight, unless in a gay bar... ///

And how could you possibly know that?
Very few people, if any, use the opening gambit "Are you gay?".

They would say something like, "I haven't seen you in here before.", or, "Which bar/pub/club do you usually drink in?".


/// Very few people, if any, use the opening gambit "Are you gay?". ///

/// They would say something like, "I haven't seen you in here before.", or, "Which bar/pub/club do you usually drink in?". ///

It's amazing how some know what others would say.

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