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Plastic Bags

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emmie | 10:16 Wed 04th Jun 2014 | News
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will you care that you will have to pay 5p for the privilege, i can't see it making any difference at all, now if you banned them in shops entirely, then the folks would have to have a bag for life, not the missus either,
or take a trolley, backpack, some other means of transporting the goods.


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I absolutely detest plastic carrier bags. Sheer laziness IMO that shoppers can't be bothered to carry their own shoppers. I've had my "fold up" type bags for years and never take plastic bags or carriers. I would charge £1 for one. Maybe things would change then.
10:19 Wed 04th Jun 2014
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the times they are blown about the town, on the beaches, clogging up the roads, hedgerows, rivers, seas, damage to wildlife can't be discounted.
Will the supermarkets stop wrapping swedes and cucumbers in thick plastic sheaths?
What about the plastic/foam tray they put the raw meat in?
Why are cauliflowers sold in individual plastic bags?
I'm amazed that the government doesn't have anything more important to be sorting out, plastic carrier bags can't be the biggest problem for the country.
That is a thought Maggiebee...I live in England so the situation has not arose yet but boxes are a good idea...nearer to Autumn when the 5p fee comes in to force..will ask about it at the supermarket.
I dislike plastic common..I always take a nice foldable tote bag when I go on a shopping spree..although I do not mind the bags from "posh" shops...I am being snobby now...aren`t I but I am not really...just like a bit of class.
hc4361 Lidl and Aldi don't wrap swedes, cucumbers etc in plastic. Could that be why they are outselling the bigger supermarkets - maybe you're paying for the plastic wrapping in Tesco etc.
emmie, all litter causes problems for wildlife. The thick plastic 'bands' that hold cans of beer together are particularly bad.
I'm with you there kloofnek - I always use my Harrods tote in Aldi and Lidl lol.
HC, I always cut those bands in every way I can before I dispose of them.

AND if you shop at Aldi you have to take your own bags unless you want to pay for them. I've got into the habit of taking a shopping bag everywhere.
maggiebee, I buy all my fruit and veg from a greengrocer so no wrapping but I do see supermarkets shrink wrapping the veg.

Aldi sell a lot of veg pre packed in plastic trays, wrapped in plastic so they are not much better than Tesco.
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all litter does cause problems and not just for wildlife,
as to having bigger problems, of course, but this is something that can be sorted out sooner than later.
I watched on TV that plastic around veg keeps it fresher for longer. I have to agree.
Like alot of people I use the plastic supermarket bags as bin liners.

If they charge for them I'll just have to start buying the purpose made bin liners, but from a 'green' point of view it won't make any difference - there's still going to be a plastic bag going into landfill at the end of the day.
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i never know why supermarkets shrink wrap hard to get off plastic on cucumbers and some other items, much of our packaging is completely unnecessary. I also buy veg, fruit from a market, so don't need endless paper or plastic bags. If i do i will take one with me, the cotton bag i have for that use only then stuff the whole lot in the trolley,
If you have a car something like this is a great idea - put all your shopping back in the trolley and wheel the trolley to the car, unpack in to crates
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DF, if they are addicts they surely have to take the stuff there and then
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hc, which is what i see any number of people do, however its down to the supermarkets to stop making them, or the science boffins to come up with a material for carriers that in no way harms the environment.
plastic bottles, bags, containers, all mostly non biodegradable, so end up in land fill, which in turn isn't a good thing.
emmie it is not just addicts that have drugs that are classed as class a
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isn't it, besides they are small bags generally, and can be recycled if people remember.
Really couldn't care less. We have about 8 shopping bags in the car and always use them.

My Mum, then about 80 was asked to pay for bags years ago in Gateway/Brixham. She said she wouldn't pay, and the checkout girl wouldn't budge on it, so she left the full trolley at the checkout, and walked out.
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more fool her, i suppose she had to go and get the shopping elsewhere,
taking one or two with you isn't exactly a hardship surely, or a hessian style bag,
as to charging 5p that is hardly likely to make a dent in the weekly shopping.

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