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Plastic Bags

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emmie | 10:16 Wed 04th Jun 2014 | News
119 Answers
will you care that you will have to pay 5p for the privilege, i can't see it making any difference at all, now if you banned them in shops entirely, then the folks would have to have a bag for life, not the missus either,
or take a trolley, backpack, some other means of transporting the goods.


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I absolutely detest plastic carrier bags. Sheer laziness IMO that shoppers can't be bothered to carry their own shoppers. I've had my "fold up" type bags for years and never take plastic bags or carriers. I would charge £1 for one. Maybe things would change then.
10:19 Wed 04th Jun 2014
AOG, at first I could walk and carry then after my accident my husband was still alive to either drive me or carry, now he isn't.
there are quite a lot of shops down here that sell those nylon bags, all brightly patterned and coloured. I think that even netherlands and barket sell plain ones.
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i never liked shopping trolleys, however they are a boon and do save all that lugging -
Ah the stuffing of the little nylon bag in one's handbag seems a popular choice amongst our Female ABers, but what about the poor chaps?

Oh wait a minute a 'Man's Bag' is the answer these days isn't it?
my ocal shop charged 39p for a very small hard lime the other day. I thought this was a bit dear.
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man bags are for the money, cards, not for shopping, they started when cab drivers needed to put all their goods, cash into one place, and wallets weren't big enough, that is from old cab driver friends.
are you wearing a suit or just a loose jacket or do you carry a brief case aog?
sorry local shop not ocal
M&S already charge for plastic bags, so either I take bags in with me or I don't buy much there.

I do bigger shops at Waitrose, and don't mind taking one of their bags if I buy too much for the bags I've taken with me, because their bags are free. So the 5p on M&S bags does deter me. After all, a lot of my food shopping is about saving 5p where I can.

/// AOG, at first I could walk and carry then after my accident my husband was still alive to either drive me or carry, now he isn't. ///

Sorry to hear that Mamyalynne, what a god send shopping on-line must be to you then.

Most of our people in similar circumstances to your own, take advantage of the Community Transport bus or the free ASDA one, that is of course if there is one near to you and the stop isn't too far from your home.
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so if all supermarkets stick on 5p to each bag it will deter some, or make you think of taking your own bags>
a well placed scrunched up bag can be a good look for a man, aog.
Thankfully, Asda is but a 6/7 minute walk and they are great - I manage and try not to bother my daughters, they have enough on their plates.

We all have our ways of coping. :-)
Svejk, you are naughty :-)
It's ok unless you happen to be popping in for something on your way home. One or two items is fine, I simply carry them but more you do need a bag.

I can't see blokes going aruond with a plastic bag in trouser pocket so I guess it will mean less compulsive purchases.
I already do take my own bags, emmie, but it can be tricky to estimate how many I'll need. I always seem to underestimate my own impulse shopping. The charge for bags seems to restrict my impulse shopping. This may well be a good thing.
Here in Wales we already pay 5p per bag, no problem, and I believe all the money raised goes to local charities!

/// are you wearing a suit or just a loose jacket or do you carry a brief case aog? ///

Not at the moment janine, but I know some ladies that do, as for the brief case how could anyone get any shopping in them, when there is only enough room for a sandwich?
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perhaps that will be the unexpected benefits, no more impulse buying,
I have a collection of sting bags that are fabulous. They are strong and can take a generous basket worth of shopping. They screw up into a ball the size of my fist and weigh nothing.

I was interested to see on the side of a Co-OP carrier bag a long list of suggestions for how you could reuse their bag, temporary wells boots through to a liner for a paint tray.

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