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Ashya King's Father Explains His Side

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Daffy6543 | 22:23 Sat 30th Aug 2014 | News
184 Answers
Posted in the other thread but nobody seems to be reading it.


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Gromit, no one in their right mind takes a sick five year old, a week out of brain surgery, out of hospital and across borders in the back of a car in search of alternative medical treatment. What did they intend to do? -------------- But isn't your first sentence the crux of it? What parent IS in their right mind when faced with this situation with their child?...
08:53 Sun 31st Aug 2014
I may have got this wrong but I think that the Mum is Spanish, and that they have a holiday place in Spain.
They have got an apartment in Spain.
I read they were in a hostel.
They have an appartment in Spain which they were going to sell to raise the funds to pay for PBT privately.

But that was the first place the police would look, so when they found out that there was a European Arrest Warrant out on them, they checked into a nearby hotel.
UHS Statement:
// we had offered the family... assistance with organising treatment abroad. //

That statement and the video seem at odds. The video gives the impression that the hospital were not even answering correspondence. If treatment was being organised abroad, why would they bolt?

Someone isn't telling the truth.
The extradition hearing will be very interesting, as they have not been charged with anything by the Spanish authorities and I'm yet to hear what offence they are alleged to have committed by taking their son to Spain from UK, whilst appearing to have all the medical devices and nutrition packs required to sustain him for such a journey.

they need a lawyer asap.
There was always going to be a key fact thst hadnt emerged! Two sides to every story and some people got too sucked in by the youtube clip.

All is perhaps not what it always seems...
I know who I'd put my money on Gromit
The hospital though are remaining strangely quiet in light of the claims by Mr King that the consultants did not respond to him.
Tomorrow will see some very interesting developments.
Meanwhile, a young boy is probably wondering why he hasn't seen his parents in 24 hours.
Very sad and distressing for all concerned.
Very sad indeed Chill, at times like this a child needs it's parents not people that are removed from any sort of emotion and are protecting their reputation.
Hospital's lawyers probably biding their time.

You can be as articulate as long as you like but the facts have to be right.

Good luck to the Kings, a dreadful situation but a legal fight beckons, the last thing they need right now...
I agree, that is the saddest part - no parents suddenly and surrounded by foreign voices. Poor wee lad.
I agree chill.. the whole reason for the police involvement was to ensure the safety of the child, now can someone tell me how this child may be feeling separated from his family who have been by his bedside 24/7 since admission to hospital, in a foreign country/foreign speaking staff ?
Chill, the hospital hasn’t remained quiet. It’s issued a statement disputing the father’s claims. As I said, no one in his right mind would do what these parents have done, and you were right when you agreed with me, but that doesn’t abrogate them from ultimate responsibility. A desperately sick child’s needs must take priority over the wishes of his parents, and the law is absolute right in taking that stance. The parents are charged with neglect.
The parents have not been CHARGED with anything.
Okay, I'll reword that, they've been arrested on suspicion on neglect.
I can understand your view, Naomi, but in reality, how would that work? Only by arresting families after the act, which cannot be in the child's best interests at this point. They were entitled to discharge him from hospital for alternative treatment. The hospital had said they couldn't do any more and obviously the medical profession can and do make mistakes.
According to my sister from FB (not sure how accurate), Ashya was outwardly a happy, smiling child, running around. The tumour was there, but no outward signs. One operation, which caused some brain damage and he could no longer walk, talk or smile. I'm not surprised they lost confidence in them.
Pixie, I can understand parents, perhaps, losing confidence in the treatment offered, and looking elsewhere, but these people didn’t request the child be discharged - they just took him without a word, and without having made alternative arrangements at another hospital to ensure that the care he needs was in place.

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