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Did You Change Your Name?

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horseshoes | 10:18 Sat 01st Nov 2014 | News
60 Answers

I changed mine from a fairly unusual surname and became one of a gazillion Joneses! My sister, a research scientist, changed hers but kept her maiden name professionally, simply because it's that name her papers are written in etc etc. My best friend didn't change hers because her husband has a surname she hates. What about other ABers?


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Legend had it that the Dean at my college was called Bucket but had to change to to Becket before his wife would marry him...
11:50 Sat 01st Nov 2014
My OH has a nice surname.
If I had it I wouldn't want to lose ummmm's surname either. I did change my name, it was part of the whole fun package of getting married. My biggest regret is not changing it back to my maiden name when we divorced 4 years later. I've still got it now and I hate it with a passion.
I did change my surname because 40 years ago it was the done thing...but where does this stop? My original surname was not "mine", it was my father's with nothing of my mother in it, so if I had kept it, I would be no less named with a man's name than if I had taken the surname of my new husband.
You could still change it now, Prudie.
Prudie, change it now. There is nothing to stop you using any name you wish
I think it's nice when both parents have the same name as their children, of course they don't have to be married to do that.
Yes, there is a plan in the pipeline :-)
Actually hc it was for exactly that reason, I didn't want to be dealing with schools with a different surname to my daughter. People are still a bit iffy about that sort of stuff in certain circles (she went to private schools)
Good to hear, Prudie.

As an aside, I do know of one man who changed his name to his wife's when they married. He was estranged from his own family and is very close to hers, so it seemed like a natural thing for him to do.
Not changed mine :-)
But my sister, who has had offspring, did. Means a less usual surname has hit a dead end :-(

I think someone has to do something to determine what to call the kids. It's easier to understand if it is always the same gender, and traditionally that is the woman. It doesn't really change who one is, merely what one's label is. The rest is all in the individual's mind.

And it makes genealogy, tracing the female line back, more interesting :-)
I changed mine and i am glad that I did.

I had a very common surname with which my struggle for success would have been more difficult had I not changed it.

I changed it to a double barreled name.
Can I surname hold you back sqad?

I can see the argument where a forename can be detriment to a job/career- but a surname??
My point was that with certain names....the "struggle" might be more difficult than if you had more......."suitable" surnames.

2sp has partly answered the question I was going to add....

I changed my name both times.......but my maiden name has a more interesting history so....time over....I would keep it.

But would either of my husbands have changed to my name? I doubt it....

Would any of the men on here have changed their name on marriage?
Legend had it that the Dean at my college was called Bucket but had to change to to Becket before his wife would marry him...

Im genuinely curious sqad- can you give me an example? I don't mean your own, any will do :-)
BOO...let me give you an example:

A short list of two candidates for a prestigious job, each equally qualified, educated and acceptable appearance. one with a surname of SMITH and the other with a surname of BARRINGTON-PROWSE.

Who would be more likely to be appointed?
Yes, can see your point I guess- cheers :-) you can't, but thanks.
Sqad "I had a very common surname" Patel?

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