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How Is Justice Being Served By Forcing A Decrepit Old Man, Deep In His Dotage, To Appear In Court?

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sandyRoe | 11:58 Fri 14th Aug 2015 | News
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I would imagine that Lord Janner's will be spending some of his probably fortune investing in QC's who will use any and every means at their disposal to avoid him attending court.

I am sure that is one of the reasons why the court is refusing to have its rules flouted before they even get to the trial.
Does dementia affect your sexual appetite or orientation?
Khandro - //Does dementia affect your sexual appetite or orientation? //

I am no expect, but I would guess so, in both cases - serious sufferers would be unaware of either concept.
Janner studied Law at Cambridge, became a Barrister in 1954 and a QC in 1971.

So he is well coonected. Well aware of the process, and the legal manoevres to avoid prosecution.
That would depend on his level of dementia. My nan doesn't even know her name.
These are serious charges. They need to be answered.
andy; What I'm getting at is, say you like sugar in your tea, or smoked salmon or whatever, does this change when you have dementia. If not and you have predilection for molesting young boys, would that desire still remain? - I really don't know.
Khandro - //andy; What I'm getting at is, say you like sugar in your tea, or smoked salmon or whatever, does this change when you have dementia. If not and you have predilection for molesting young boys, would that desire still remain? - I really don't know. //

At his age, I would imagine that any sexual urges Lord Janner will have felt will be memories by now.
"I don't remember": Mucky Murdoch got away with it at Parliamentary Enquiry.
How on earth can you compare Child sex offences with Murdoch's dodgy dealings? And Murdoch was no in Court.
The prosecution has to prove that Janner was at a particular place at a particular time and that he committed these attacks. Though I suspect in a lot of cases, that will be hard to prove.

But if they can do that, then him not being able to remember, or entering a not guilty plea will not save him.
\\\ at Parliamentary Enquiry.\\\

///Murdoch was no in Court.///

Well spotted ! First prize for observation.
Justice is being served as an example that it (justice) has no 'expiry date'.
As I understand it, the court wants to verify for itself what is being said about his medical condition. He'll only be there for a few minutes, apparently. Plenty of people his age are still capable.
Danny Shaw ‏@DannyShawBBC

#Janner looked completely bewildered. Said "ooh" as he arrived. Waved as he left. Answered "yes" when his name was put to him. Very frail.
-- answer removed --
91 y old just been indicted in Oz for drug smuggling

fundamentalist christian who was 'befriended' by 'narcocorridas de Cancum' so visited and brought back 24 scented soaps "por un ameego - you no ?"

streaked with white powder and the Oz Feds said - if you smuggle no matter how old you are you will get indicted....
// Very frail.//

well at 89 he isnt gonna look like Arnold Schwarzenegger at 25 is he ?
.// Justice is being served as an example that it (justice) has no 'expiry date'.//

yes of course it has for chrissakes - see:

none for murder and sexual offences

unlike sweden - see the news items for wikieaks fella who has been accused of rape
For the convicted (assuming his mind has gone) it is probably no help. The point might be the hope that those wishing to do likewise may be dissuaded by seeing there is no escape via age, from the law. That said I suspect most folk do not think of consequences; getting caught happens to other people. But I guess it also serves to ensure any accused know that simply claiming mental issue won't help them get off scot-free.

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