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How Is Justice Being Served By Forcing A Decrepit Old Man, Deep In His Dotage, To Appear In Court?

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sandyRoe | 11:58 Fri 14th Aug 2015 | News
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They'll get their day in court but I'm not sure having the physical remains of their abuser present will add anything to the proceedings.
he was able to sit and be paid to sit in the house long enough !! supposedly with Alzheimers...!! my sympathy is with the victims
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indeed ^^
Anybody rememember Ernest Saunders, chairman of Guinness and part of the 'Guinness 4', still the only man to recover from Alzheimer's.........
very convenient..yes I remember...
Ernest Saunders, one of the wealthy 'Guinness 4' did indeed make a miraculous recovery from Alzheimer's Disease

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How Is Justice Being Served By Forcing A Decrepit Old Man, Deep In His Dotage, To Appear In Court?

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