I have just given him less time than the man deserves. It was,I confess, a very quick scan but my time marches on today.
From what I read he appears a straight talking intelligent reasoned person with much to offer. He certainly carries no baggage or usual chips we often encounter here.
Just reading this quote was heartening.
//Ok far-lefty fellow-travellers of Islamism, I'm a state-school, brown, stabbed-at-by-neo-Nazis, falsely arrested at gunpoint by Essex police, Muslim, divorced, estranged from his child, ex-Islamist, tortured ex-prisoner who's been mandatorily profiled & DNA'd under schedule 7 at Heathrow airport & blacklisted from countries. I am every grievance you harp on about. And yet your first-world bourgeois brains malfunction because I'm not spewing hate & fitting in your little angry Muslim box. Are you feeling slightly privileged yet?//
I will have to read some more later. Thanks.