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Closing Mosques

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Khandro | 10:17 Thu 31st Mar 2016 | News
82 Answers
The french have closed down over a hundred of late, isn't it time we did likewise?


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You really must try and comprehend a question , mikey

The voice of common sense
best answer for sp
hoorah for sp.
Mikey, Islamophobia is an irrational concept. Mistrust of Islam is not irrational. It’s warranted. You really must learn to understand what definitions actually mean you know.
Even with this change of emphasis it is still not the mosque itself that is the problem. If those in charge of it knowingly allowed antisocial, terrorist, and hate spreading activities to be planned/performed at the mosque then it is the individuals involved that need to be removed from the mosque and charged. Not permanent closure of the place of worship itself. asked danny and I, a question and we answered it !

If you don't want any answer to your questions, why ask them in the first place ?
I am quite satisfied to agree with the Wiki link.
^ :o)
Would mikey and danny be happy to see IS and Al Qaeda set up meeting/planning rooms in this country?
Mikey, // I am quite satisfied to agree with the Wiki link.//

But how can you be? The suggestion that mosques be closed is not as a result of Islamophobia – that would be irrational. It as a result of the very real threat that Islam is posing to our society.
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I was curious to know what are the requirements for opening a mosque in the UK. If it is a new building it will obviously need planning consent, but beyond that, it seems nothing else.
Various other activities require a licence, outlined here for just one London borough but I suppose it is universal;

Would it not be a good idea if mosques (and for parity, all other religious centres) required a licence to operate, then in the event of any untoward activity the licence could be withdrawn, or suspended?
^Good idea.
Naomi, I ment that those that are perhaps on the fence could be swayed by the closure of Mosques.

Hard line is probably mostly undergraound but they have to be recruited from somewhere and Mosques are one place they seem to be able to get them.

Taking away your place of worship is a sure fire way to alienate even further!

We need houses before any religious building. If praying floats your boat ... you can do that anywhere.
Yes, all Mosques harbouring hate must be closed.

And yes, Mickey would cover this country in Mosques.
Svejk ///Would mikey and danny be happy to see IS and Al Qaeda set up meeting/planning rooms in this country?///
Silly question which is not worth an answer.
We'll take that as a Yes then.
// The french have closed down over a hundred of late //

No they haven't. They have closed 3.

And 'mosque' is rather misleading. The french are closing unlicensed places of worship. That is usually gatherings at peoples' houses or flats. The clampdown started a year ago before the Paris attacks, but has been accelerated of late.

There are 2,600 mosques in France and just 3 have been closed by anti terror raids after explosive material and Jihadi literature was found there.
my local mosque, the house with the halal wheelie bin outside.

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Closing Mosques

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