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Closing Mosques

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Khandro | 10:17 Thu 31st Mar 2016 | News
82 Answers
The french have closed down over a hundred of late, isn't it time we did likewise?


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If any UK moaque is found to be a front for terrorists then it should be closed. Should we just close all mosques because we hate muslims? - No.
^I took that as read.
Me too.
so every Muslim born here is a foreigner ? many hundreds of thousands are uk citzens and have a right to go to their mosque
We have the Places of Worship Registration Act.
Ivor, mikey's a great advocate for Muslims wherever they come from. He just gets a bit excited at times and starts spouting drivel.
Gromit, But registration is not compulsory. Licensing would be.
thanks didn't realize mikey was being sarcastic cheers
yes, I don't often agree with the firesides but they are bang on here.
firesides, TTT?
TTT, I really wish you would speak a language that everyone can understand! What the flipping heck is a fireside?
TTT is being a Bacardi Breezer again
fireside dogs= frogs
I thought it was Fireside Bench 'French'.
I'd never have guessed. I've never heard of a fireside dog. Stupid language is a complete waste of time!
It's ridiculously childish and very annoying but I suspect that's why TTT does it.

It's his form of trolling...
Fireside rug - mug?

Fireside chat - cat?

Who knows?
I think of him as more of a 'cancer' than a troll. Appears in the usual places, causes misery and often results in the termination of the thread.
Tut Tut Naomi and you being a East End lady!!
I like his posts most of the time, but when he uses that silly language that few here can understand it's just a waste of time and effort trying to make sense of them. It does nothing for the discussion, that's for sure.

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