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Closing Mosques

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Khandro | 10:17 Thu 31st Mar 2016 | News
82 Answers
The french have closed down over a hundred of late, isn't it time we did likewise?


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retrocop, I fear I mixed in the wrong - or the right - circles. ;o)
Zacs you can be quite evil with your thoughts can't you. Ever had cancer. You wouldn't be so flippant?
user yer loaf, Fireside logs - Frogs
TTT, people shouldn't have to decipher what you write - and you shouldn't expect them to. You're not a child. Speak English for goodness sake!
keep yer barnett on naomi, it's all common knowledge.
No - it isn't.
It's the malign influence of Bow bells me ol' china, ee carnelpit. Cockney sliming rang bouldn't she wonfused cith speliberate doonerisms.
France had plans to investigate and close 100-160 Mosques a few months ago. What the total number closed thus far is, I don't know.

Of course it makes sense that any place where people gather that is used for subversive purposes is closed and those preaching terrorist ways dealt with , simply closing a building because it is a Mosque (or whatever terminology the building may have) makes little sense.

So yes to vigilance and closing places of subversion.
Pub sells alcohol to minors. = Loss of Licence.Closure
Massage Parlour is a brothel= closure
Pawnbroker is a Fence=closure
Mosque preaches racial hatred and incites terrorist acts, stores
weapons and explosives = closure

What is the problem.If one is a genuine worshipper go to another mosque that has not been closed.Allah knows there is enough to choose from in the UK.
YES, but never gonna happen, sadly ......
Apologies TTT- it appears the term 'Firesides' has been used on here a few times before to represent 'the French' by two ex (suspended) users who also had a tendency to use mockney slang - although apparently it is fireside dogs not logs.
But as for the original question, there is no reason at all as far as I can see to close down hundreds unless there is very strong evidence of planning terrorism or similar
There's quite a difference between a place of worship and a commercial premises. And in any case it's more likely that the business is closed down not the location.
The closure of illegal places of worship in France is a licensing matter rather than an anti terror one. Just because a mosque is closed does not mean the people going to it were up to no good or terrorists. It just means they didn't have the paperwork.

Rather like if after a rape the authorities have a clampdown on unlicensed taxis and took 100 of the road. That would not mean 100 rapists had been thwarted.

3 mosques have been closed because of terrorism, not over 100 who were closed for another reason.

3 closed for terrorism, that's alright then!
Gromit, //100 who were closed for another reason. //

Just out of interest, what was the reason?
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Re, Talbot's link above^^ "But in a statement, Mr Dudha told Sky News: "It saddens me greatly that certain extracts from our publications have been taken and misrepresented to link the Academy with extremism.
"We fully believe in the importance and need of integration whilst being able to practise our faith."

Lies, Lies, and hypocrysy!
Keep the good guys, but deport the Imams reported in the news today. Any sniff of involvement with Al Qaeda or ISIS should trigger exile.

Good guys ??????
I'd like to think most Muslims are peace loving, but I believe the likes of the Imams under investigation of involvement with Al Qaeda in Scotland today, should be deported. Cut out the Cancer before it spreads!.

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