jlcm - //if the rest of the AB members said what they actually thought we might stand a chance against the lily livered do gooders and get some sort of balance into the country //
I am as big an advocate of free speech as anyone, but, as is usually pointed out in these discussions, and it's usually pointed out by me - free speech is not the same as saying what you want anytime anywhere, to anyone.
I am always mindful of people who say things like "I believe in plain speaking, I don't hold back ..." which simply translates as - I have no filter based on courtesy, due deference, time and place, and I see it as my right to be as offensive as I choose when I think of something to say, I will say it, and that's it.
I am sure no-one would think that is a way to proceed.
We need a balance, where people are on the one hand not frightened to say what they believe for fear of some nebulous concept of 'offence', but on the other hand, we don't have people piling in with unpleasant and unacceptable views simply because they equate holding a view with the right to express it in any terms they choose.
I have always said exactly what I think on here, and would never change that, but I do remain mindful of circumstances, and proper respect - those are the fundamentals society needs in place to ensure its valuable free speech is neither hi-jacked or abused.