Garaman - // How sad, and how shocking that they continue to allow it to happen? //
I'm not sure who you mean by 'they' - I assume the government, or how they 'continue to allow it to happen'.
The situation with guns in America is unsolvable, because in order to take any meaningful action in terms of gun control, any politician has to commit political suicide by merely mentioning the subject.
President Obama mentioned the idea of gun control in his second and last presidential term - no harm could come this political career, but he was careful not to go too overboard, lest his position be allied to the Democrats, and damage their election chances.
President Trump is allied to the NRA and it's bizarre notion that there are people out there who are absolutely OK to have guns, therefore everyone has to have guns so the 'OK' people can have their, and vote Republican.
I honestly cannot see a solution for generations to come, while the 'frontier' mentality that is so deeply engrained in the American psyche is pandered to by politicians who put votes before lives.