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Gromit | 00:02 Thu 27th Sep 2018 | News
146 Answers
1. Back to prison for the same sentence
2. Back to prison for a shorter sentence
3. Back to prison for a longer sentence
4. Set free

Which will it be ?


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//Would it change his attitude? //

Hope not. He says it like it is.
But is actions are fowl. They speak louder than words.

I don't like the guy, but i've seen the interview with him after he came out of prison, he was traumatised. That i feel bad about, genuinely. Maybe it will teach him actions have consequences especially when you're locked up relying on those you've slated.
The difficulty here is that the actual reason for the hearing - that 'Tommy Robinson' broke the law - is going to be buried under an avalanche of self-righteousness from his supporters who are claiming suppression of free speech.

Suppression of free speech is not the issue being heard - it is Contempt Of Court.
At least TR has brought to light the incompetance of those who had power to rescue abused girls
I don't suppose for one minute anyone will watch this but I'll post it anyway. It really helps you to understand TR and why he thinks like he does. A friend sent it to me this morning and I've watched it and found it very moving in spite of KH stating the obvious.
I hope he manages to stay alive if he is sent back to prison; he is a brave man, whatever you think of him.

But is actions are"fowl." They speak louder than words.

You are making a few cock ups today. Lol
Hope you're not crowing about this retrocop?
haha don't i'm feeling eggy today
andy-hughes, //...buried under an avalanche of self-righteousness from his supporters ...//

The avalanche of self-righteousness is coming not from his supporters but from his critics. They're the ones alleging that 'His actions are foul", etc.
AH, better than being buried under an avalanche of PC cowards that allowed abuse of children for DECADES.
Case adjourned until October. Date not yet given.
AH; "The difficulty here is that the actual reason for the hearing - that 'Tommy Robinson' broke the law - is going to be buried under an avalanche of self-righteousness from his supporters who are claiming suppression of free speech. " - well you are right about things being buried, I have not really followed this case so I tried to find out why he was in jail in the first place. All I can find is that he had a rant about another case, not sure what's going on here.
TTT, He had a rant about a case that was sub-judice and was charged with contempt of court.
TR threatens to refuse to plead guilty to contempt of court as his vid only portrayed info that was in the public domain.

His life is on the line due to PC incompetence. Would you stand in his shoes; I wouldnt as am not that brave but I can afford to offer some support.
TTT if you watch the video I posted you will see why. No need to start at the beginning where he tells of how he saw his home town of Luton change. He tells how all migrants mixed together except Pakistani Muslims. When he talks about his court case it is as Tambo says, everything he filmed was already in the public domain. I truly believe, as does he, if he is sent back to a prison with a dominant muslim population as he was before, he could well end up dead.
Why does people's dislike of him on here cause their normal support for fair justice blah blah to fly out the window?
Is it because 'e is white?
Good question Tilly.
I see LB, he's ranting about Muslim grooming gangs, TFOJ must be mortified, that would never do eh!
Spath 10.02 as you say correction is good for you, ouch!.

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