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Gromit | 00:02 Thu 27th Sep 2018 | News
146 Answers
1. Back to prison for the same sentence
2. Back to prison for a shorter sentence
3. Back to prison for a longer sentence
4. Set free

Which will it be ?


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hand him over to Big Becky's parents
Not sure I'd like to be the one making the judgement in Court.

Probably the best course of action is as suggested above. Released due to time served. Both side 'win' and then the Justice system might like to be a little more careful next time especially the speed this one was done.
Latest news- case adjourned.
Ah, the judge chickened.
Prosecutions against muslim grooming gangs have continued since his arrest and incarceration so it seems that his input was superfluous in any case.

Seems like we're going to find out what happens to him sometime next month...
perhaps it's people like robinson bringing muslim abuse to the fore, the authorities are actually something now, as for putting him in prison..that would be a waste of space, when they could put someone in real need of time in prison.
After yesterdays post about the 15 yrs. old white girl and the terrible abuse she suffered at the hands of the Muslim scum gangs I would back anyone willing to put themselves on the line in order to get justice for all the white girls being used as sexual trash by the Muslim rapists. Robinson should be set free .
Wake up Danny I announced the adjournment @ 11.07;-)
Sorry Ladybirder, I posted as soon as I heard it on the news.
No worries, done it myself D.
I had just flicked Sky News on as they had pictures of him coming out of court.
andres 13:43, bang on, sadly TROB have many friends in the judiciary.
andres - // … I would back anyone willing to put themselves on the line in order to get justice for all the white girls being used as sexual trash by the Muslim rapists. //

So would I, so would any right-thinking person.

I personally draw the line at self-aggrandising thuggish fraudsters with a self-promoting ego the size of Neptune parading their nonsense in direct contravention of the laws regarding contempt of court.

fender - // … as for putting him in prison..that would be a waste of space, when they could put someone in real need of time in prison. //

Perhaps someone who broke the law by committing an imprionsable offence would be someone 'in real need of time in prison'?

Someone who committed … oh … I don't know … say … contempt of court?
naomi - // andy-hughes, //...buried under an avalanche of self-righteousness from his supporters ...//

The avalanche of self-righteousness is coming not from his supporters but from his critics. They're the ones alleging that 'His actions are foul", etc. //

With the most liberal assessment of this thread so far, not even you could conclude that the posts in criticism of 'Tommy Robinson' thus far, amount to an avalanche of anything - much less self-righteousness!
tambo - // AH, better than being buried under an avalanche of PC cowards that allowed abuse of children for DECADES. //

Under time time-honoured credo that two wrongs do not make a right - it's not better at all.
///Perhaps someone who broke the law by committing an imprionsable offence would be someone 'in real need of time in prison'?

Someone who committed … oh … I don't know … say … contempt of court?///

You mean like...oh...I don't know...say...nobody else ever?
// In regards to this type of crime and the ethnic groups involved, I’d hazard a guess at: told it like it is......//

if you say that a judge has a big nose or schozzle -
and the judge says - my schnozzle lets not talk about that in court. My name is not Kavanaugh ( yeah good huh?) but my nose is p'tite.
Then you get imprisoned for contempt

or in the army - conduct prejudicial to good order ....

that is how the world is. . - to change it you would need loadsa Novichok
Andy-hughes, n//….ot even you could conclude that the posts in criticism of 'Tommy Robinson' thus far, amount to an avalanche of anything…//

/ //self-aggrandising thuggish fraudsters with a self-promoting ego the size of Neptune parading their nonsense…///

Overlooking the irony there, I’d say that’s a bit of an avalanche.
Spicerack -

// andy-hughes
///Perhaps someone who broke the law by committing an imprionsable offence would be someone 'in real need of time in prison'?

Someone who committed … oh … I don't know … say … contempt of court?///

You mean like...oh...I don't know...say...nobody else ever? //

I don't understand the point you are making here.

Do Muslim Grooming Gangs deserve to go to prison - yes they do.

Does 'Tommy Robinson' deserve to go to prison for contempt of course (second offence) - yes he does.

The reason why our legal system works is because it operates without fear of favour.
naomi - // Overlooking the irony there, I’d say that’s a bit of an avalanche. //

Avalanche is an absolute, you can't have 'a bit of an avalanche' - you either have an avalanche, or you don't.

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