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Gromit | 00:02 Thu 27th Sep 2018 | News
146 Answers
1. Back to prison for the same sentence
2. Back to prison for a shorter sentence
3. Back to prison for a longer sentence
4. Set free

Which will it be ?


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Haha! You said it! ;o)
Naomi - // Haha! You said it! ;o) //

I did - there is no avalanche, unless you want to stretch credibility to defend 'Tommy Robinson' 'saying it like it is … '
"Avalanche is an absolute...". I couldn't resist looking it up:):
European avalanche size table

Avalanche size:
Size Runout Potential Damage Physical Size
1 – Sluff Small snow slide that cannot bury a person, though there is a danger of falling. Unlikely, but possible risk of injury or death to people. length
Well, for some reason, the entire table didn't show up: There are 4 degrees.
sanmac - // "Avalanche is an absolute...". I couldn't resist looking it up:): //

Looks like you could have saved yourself the trouble, it hasn't given you anything that adds to the debate, or that detracts from my point, which is probably the reason you bothered in the first place.
sanmac - And that extra bit of 'information' proves … er … what?
andy-hughes, I have great admiration for those who have the courage to say it like it is. Yes, annoying I know - especially when you'd rather they'd shut up. People who tell the truth are ever likely to evoke an avalanche of.... erm .... some sort. ;o)
No. 4 Set free. I hope.
There snow getting one over on you, andy.
You're right, AH, my response did not answer the OP's question. However, you opened the door, in a way, for me when you stated emphatically that the the word "avalanche" is an absolute, and I proved that you were incorrect. Unfortunately, the complete table showing the varying degrees of avalanches based on the European scale did not show up. (There is also a North American scale)
naomi - // andy-hughes, I have great admiration for those who have the courage to say it like it is. Yes, annoying I know - especially when you'd rather they'd shut up. //

An unfounded assumption on your part, based on no evidence whatsoever.

I am also a great admirer of people with the courage to say it like it is - just not those who are egotistical arrogant attention seekers who think they are above the law because they have a loud and loutish following to buoy them up.
I love tommy, says it like it is. A great man. In decades to come when the world is totally muslim and sharia law prevails people will look back and say, yes, he was right, but, too late now.
It cannot be denied that Robinson has an unsavoury past but it now appears that he is being demonised. Imagine the outcry there would be from his detractors if it were a hard-left activist in the same predicament. Of such stuff are martyrs made.
andy-hughes, I think you're mistaken. Tommy Robinson doesn't say what he says because he thinks he's above the law .... he knows to his cost that he isn't. Nevertheless he has the courage of his convictions - and I like that. The Suffragettes, as loutish as they were, had the courage of their convictions too. It's called principle. Were they wrong?
Jackdaw - // It cannot be denied that Robinson has an unsavoury past but it now appears that he is being demonised. Imagine the outcry there would be from his detractors if it were a hard-left activist in the same predicament. Of such stuff are martyrs made. //

I am a firm believer in redemption when it's earned, and I accept that 'Tommy Robinson' has an unsavoury past, but my issue is that his literal contempt for the law which has landed him in court again, clearly demonstrates that he has an unsavoury present, to match his unsavoury past.
Well AH, the law is an ass.
Nothing unsavoury about Tommy, we need more like him.
^ Totally agree.
Naomi - // andy-hughes, I think you're mistaken. Tommy Robinson doesn't say what he says because he thinks he's above the law .... he knows to his cost that he isn't. //

He doesn't appear to be learning the lessons that prison should teach him though does he - otherwise he would only have been in prison once - not potentially heading back there, yet again.

// Nevertheless he has the courage of his convictions - and I like that. The Suffragettes, as loutish as they were, had the courage of their convictions too. It's called principle. Were they wrong? //

If you think that comparing the actions of a group of women seeking political representation in an oppressed society compares with a loudmouthed opinionated egotistical hate monger with a mission of self-publicity and ego-massage, then you go right ahead.

On this occasion, I am unable to join you, seeing that comparison as nothing but laughable.
Sparklykid - // Nothing unsavoury about Tommy, we need more like him. //

Nothing except the fraud, the violence, the intimidation, the flouting of the law of the land, and ego, the posturing, the self-appointed belief that the country needs 'defending' by him … nope, nothing unsavoury at all.

But needing more like him? I rather doubt that.

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