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Sally Challen

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Tilly2 | 16:49 Sun 07th Apr 2019 | News
212 Answers
You may remember me posting this link wishing this woman well.

She has had the conviction for murder quashed and is now back home.

She will now face a new trial and again, I hope that things turn out positively for her.


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I have had the benefit of reading the judgements in the original appeal against sentence and the latest one against conviction. I am in two minds about this. They had separated and she had moved out; however, they had reconciled and they had spent the afternoon together at the former matrimonial home. That afternoon, she became suspicious that he was...
10:06 Mon 08th Apr 2019
She's not relying on a retrospective law, Barmaid ( a BARRISTER) has already told you that. she is relying on the fact that her mental health evaluations were not available to the court at the time or adequately assessed, that is NOT a retrospective law. Good grief.
She is not relying on the new law retrospectively - which relates in any case to a new offence (not defence) - but on the increased understanding of coercive control on the behaviour of those subject to it.
{//Will men be allowed to act as jurors at her "fair trial"? //

I would imagine so and I would imagine that they would treat the matter fairly//}

Will there be any Muslims on the jury Clac?
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I have to go. Things to do.

Go, Sally. (Georgina)
Quite possibly- nice to see we're going to add other prejudices to this thread as well as a good old dose of misogyny, I thought for a minute that the old boys brigade were going to run out of nasty things to say.
i think someone battering someone with a hammer goes beyond gender.. You throw the misogyny card round too much
Poor poor woman fancy having your husband mistress constantly dangled in your face, on top of the constant verbal abuse
Thanks for 'mansplaining' where I'm going wrong Spath. Actually you'll find I wasn't the one who brought up gender initially in this thread if you bother reading it all.
Aww. Don't go Tills. We are going to get you a hundred up on this one. (^_*)
We are :-)
using gender to get leverage in a debate? what i've said is irrespective of gender and so is this case ^
Don’t you mean childsplaining calico?
To mansplain you would have to be a man!!
Spath, it wasn't Cal that brought sex up on the thread.
anyone struck with the contrast to the Andy Blackman murder debate?
it is here by the way
even tho Search doesnt work
Pixie correct, but i was implied of coming from a position of misogyny, when i had no involvement in that discussion.
Having read through the answers, emotive as they are and this very complex debate about how one views this case (and I'm swaying from side to side) I would hope post count won't be important for once.
it was also implied i was "mansplaining" when simply stating an opinion.
I didn't read her comment as implying you in any way, spath. I may have missed something... it's a long thread.
For a number of reasons this is an interesting case. I have read up on it as obviously have others on this thread.
Unfortunately both Baldric and Retrocop come in with....end of.....covens....burn your bra brigade....ladies of AB and silly copied chants.
Neither of you seem to really want to discuss or listen to and perhaps consider the opinions of others.....
Baldric and have your opinions on this and that is fine...of course it is.
But can you not just add to the thread without all this picking at other posters? Add to it with your thoughts without resorting to covens and bra burning brigades.
That is not why those of us you refer to are posting. It's because it really is an interesting case from the very beginning and we are not only interested in the outcome but in the thoughts of other abers....on the case.....not on the petty posts you both have offered.

100, well done Tilly ;o)

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