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Special Treatment?

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diddlydo | 16:28 Sun 12th Apr 2020 | News
112 Answers
How many "ordinary" Covid patients get 2 nurses stationed by their bedside for 48 hours?


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I had two dedicated ITU nurses tend me when I was transferred from theatre (6 coronary events on the slab) and one on the gurney when I was put to bed in ITU. Standard operating procedure for ANYONE in ITU.
Nah ... that was because you're special, retrocop. ;o)
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So we've seen press and TV coverage of ICU nurses caring for 6 patients at once when it should be one on one. So Boris gets the one on one. I'm not trying to score political points at all - just saying that one rule doesn't apparently apply to all (I'd say the same if it was Jeremy Corbyn or his successor)
Nah naomi. I was a regular professional. Honest Guv. :-)
I love the word

(I'd say the same if it was Jeremy Corbyn or his successor)

diddly, you're making a twit of yourself. Stop while the going is good.
^^^Quite Naomi.

Diddly is showing herself up as a particularly nasty person, and as shown in the run-up to the GE, somebody that's clearly not very bright.
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Naomi - I'll say what I damn well like. No reason whatsoever why Boris should get more special treatment than any other poor b***** who ends up in ICU.
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Desk Diary - I am not a nasty person and probably a good deal brighter than most of the people on this site.
^^^^^ and he didn’t!!!
diddly, it's been established that he didn't get special treatment - but you carry on if you must.
And not vain at all Diddlydo?
naomi: "diddly, you're making a twit of yourself. Stop while the going is good. " - that ship sailed long ago!
diddly: ".....probably a good deal brighter than most of the people on this site. " - you regularly demonstrate the opposite.
I was going to comment about Boris, but this thread is starting to look like a group of kids throwing rocks at a puppy. Leaves a bad taste in the cakehole.
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Why can't you Boris lovers at least accept that he got preferential NHS treatment which is denied poor Joe Bloggs because if they did one to one nursing they couldn't cope? It's that simple.
^^^then the puppy should learn when to shut the F up.
diddly, //Why can't you Boris lovers at least accept that he got preferential NHS treatment //

He didn't. That's been established.


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