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Special Treatment?

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diddlydo | 16:28 Sun 12th Apr 2020 | News
112 Answers
How many "ordinary" Covid patients get 2 nurses stationed by their bedside for 48 hours?


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I'm perfectly aware that any PM can use Chequers - it's beautiful and I've walked past it several times (socially-distanced of course)
mozz: "Not at all ILM, but there's a difference between debating opinions and whatever the hell this is. "
"I take it back. After that post I want to log a rock at her myself. " - as you have discovered diddly and her twin do not debate they just throw grenades of illogic and BS and then ignore any attempt at reasoning. We can only fight that using the methods you see deployed here.
Now any really bright aber would have thought.....Hmmm....and apologised for misreading the comment from Boris....yes?
I suspect Diddly, given how clever she says she is, is well aware she's lost this one.
You obviously haven't been to No 10 because it does have a back garden which backs on to Horse Guards Parade Ground. When the P.M. was discharged for recuperative rest his Special Branch driver and Security team would of been present irrespective if the journey was either to No 10 or Chequers. Both are his official residences whilst in office as P.M. No 10 is his London office where he works and has a small flat above. Chequers is a retreat where he can relax and recuperate. Does it matter where he takes a well earned recuperation? He nearly died for chrissake! Incidentally. He has his own private residence which he can call his permanent home.
O.k, to disagree with other posters. if a patient is self-ventilating, they will not as a rule get one to one nursing care as would be classified a Level 2 patient. By all accounts Boris was never ventilated, therefore would not warrant one-to-one nursing care. A ventilated patient would be classified as Level 3, and would normally have one-to-one nursing care. Given the pressure on beds at present, and lack of experienced staff, this ratio is not being nationally maintained at present
Oh, so he's now got another home and Joe Bloggs is still stuck in his damp bedsit. I suppose that's fair, is it?
He stated on his video that his oxygen level had to be constantly monitored and adjusted immediately when fluctuating.
How many “ordinary” Covid patients are the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?
His face looked quite blotched when I saw him on the News, is this indicative of a higher temperature
To Campbell
Bobbi, a flushed face may be due to a temperature but can have other causes.
His was visibly blotchy,
Thanks campbellking
//Oh, so he's now got another home and Joe Bloggs is still stuck in his damp bedsit. I suppose that's fair, is it? //

Some Knob on LBC just railed that he was allowed to go to his second home whilst others were on lockdown and forbidden to go to their 2nd holiday home for an Easter jolly.
A big difference from an official residence to recuperate which comes with the job and a private jolly to the coast. I mentioned his private home in case someone considers Chequers a private holiday home.
For those short on memory I can remind them that Boris had crisis talks with his cabinet at Chequers when he read them the riot act over Brexit. The P.M also holds plenary talks at Chequers with visiting Heads of State.
Don't you feel a bit sorry for Joe?
3Ts , I think I’d give up at this point , just not worth it
Without a leader, the blind will lead the blind, we now have a leader back. Be thankful.
And thanks be to God, he’s made it TC
The OP has a point. It reminds me of when Kennedy was rushed to Parkland Memorial. I recall the outrage from a nation annoyed that the average Joe who'd been shot wouldn't have had anything like that treatment!
Boris represents our government’s head. As such he deserves the very best of medical treatment.
While diddlydo may have erred in fact and refuses to back down, the rest of you could dial it back a notch.

Just saying

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