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Special Treatment?

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diddlydo | 15:28 Sun 12th Apr 2020 | News
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How many "ordinary" Covid patients get 2 nurses stationed by their bedside for 48 hours?


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Not really a matter of factual error for me, Doug, but rather that you would expect a nation's leader to get special treatment. It isn't just about the person themselves, but what it means to the nation.
"While diddlydo may have erred in fact and refuses to back down, the rest of you could dial it back a notch."

When she comes back and accepts she's wrong.
diddly - I understand your indignation that some people enjoy nicer accommodation in which to recuperate than others, but that's simply the way the world turns.

Obviously, because Mr Johnson is the PM, his illness and recovery are major news items, but there are thousands of people who are recovering in homes nicer than a one-bed high-rise, but that is simply how things are.

Your original point has been comprehensively dismantled, but you still seem irked at the simple fact that some people have nicer homes than others.
There's no such thing as special treatment if you get the virus,( not yet any how) your own immune system has to fight it, if the virus starts to win over your immune system, you are given oxygen, this in turn gives you, and your immune system more time to fight it, and hopefully win. The nurses control the amount of oxygen you have, or need at any such time. To conclude, no matter who you are the treatment/ procedure is the same, weather Queen , prime minister, or the butcher down the road.
Perhaps diddly is not aware that ICU stands for INTENSIVE CARE unit!
For everyone, always.
I'd like to know where she is "walking past it". Chequers is only up the road from me... but a lethal road to be walking along.
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Pixie - public footpaths pass very close by. Douglas - I'd like to know where my factual error occurs????
^^^you lost this thread - give it up, you're making yourself look silly.
Diddly clearly thinks, in her communist utopia, that all are equal, so I hate to break it to her that the communist elite had access to GUM and to dachas...that the proles did not.

She needs to grow up.
it was the duty of the NHS staff to prevent Raab or Patel becoming prime minister, at all costs.
I have just looked up Chequers on Google Maps, and I can see no evidence of public footpaths "very close" to the residence.
if it helps at all i remember walking past it about 25 years ago on a public footpath
"I have just looked up Chequers on Google Maps, and I can see no evidence of public footpaths "very close" to the residence."

It's not the first time she's been caught out with lies.
You are in one hell of an angry mood today Deskdiary. Aggressive posts all over the place.

I think you need a large G+T and a sit down.
There is a circular walk with views of Chequers - but it never gets nearer than about 1km from the house - hardly 'very close' - and there are no public footpaths any nearer.
I've been to both those places... but still never "walked past". I've driven past, but that is on a 60mph country, bendy one way road...
Not "one way"- one track.
I think you're right Mozz.

Can I blame it on going stir crazy?

I've just video chatted with a mate - I've never done that before!
Diddlydo and deskdiary on the same thread. PT Barnum couldda used you two.

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