As a further point, the question of which country's figures are worse is entirely separate from the question of *why* they are so bad. Did the UK make entirely preventable mistakes or not? I don't know, or claim to know, the answer to that. But I do claim that there is no doubt that, as it stands, the effect of CoronaVirus has been more severe here than in most other countries. Officially our death toll is the second highest -- clearly this is subject to change once total mortality figures become available. Officially, our total number of cases is third highest -- this will change on Tuesday when Russia overtakes us, and of course unknown cases will affect the "true" comparison. Officially, our death rate is fourth highest among major countries, subject again to the fact that death counts are difficult to compare precisely, and we will need to wait, as before, to see what all-cause mortality figures tell us as they become available.