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Khandro | 10:11 Wed 20th Jan 2021 | News
151 Answers
... your wish is coming true, what do you think will now happen with your Biden/Harris duo, & how do you expect improvements to the US domestic & the world order?


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All of Khandro's merits plus making EU pay fair share for NATO & Kim Jong nuclear stop. Many in the wider world support Trumps attributes, me included! Wish I could afford a m'mod baloon of S Khan to taunt him.
Reminds me of the USSR in its latter days when they rolled out three waxworks in succession artificially kept alive: Brezhnev, Andropov and Chernenko.
Jim, Biden is a veritable saint. :o)
Biden is Obama's puppet!
Of course he's not, but most politicians look pretty decent compared to Trump.

For many years Biden struggled to control a stammer, FWIW.
I don't think he should be underestimated because of his age, and certainly not for any perceived lack of energy.
He will probably be playing less golf tho ...
Everything he did he claims he did it better than anyone else.
"Kim Jong nuclear stop. "

That was one of the dafter claims made by some.
Nothing has really changed there.
The most 'popular' President in history has to be inaugurated sans audience. Yes, fiasco.
I thought he'd have it done in his bunker. He's opted for an open air ceremony, just banned the public. Fiasco.
Doubt it'll even be broadcast live in case the off-switch in his head activates.
If you ever wanted to understand Trump as a person, you can probably not do much better than looking up the Hurricane Dorian saga. It reveals so much about (a) how little grasp of the facts Trump has; (b) how even admitting to a tiny mistake is perceived as a weakness, so that instead he has to double down on the error and pretend he was right all along, and (c) how willing the administration and Government were to entertain that, to the point that even whether you believed the weather report or not was a test of loyalty.
It's always an open air ceremony.
Good luck if you are hoping for no live broadcast ...
It's already started.
One good thing from Trump's point of view is he'll be able to claim there are even fewer people there than 4 years ago :-)
Indeed, ich.

In retrospect it's probably something to regret that Trump's intervention in North Korea achieved very little, but the sad fact is that he was played far too easily, giving Kim Jong Un a propaganda coup and getting very little back apart from a two-year pause.

The same is true in the Iran Deal saga, by the way -- all Trump has achieved is to speed up Iran's route to a nuclear weapon.
I know plenty about Biden, ichi, lol. That's why I'm advising you to keep a low profile.
Jim, you’ve heard that expression about protesting too much? Four years down the line and you’re still chomping as desperately at the bit as you always were. No need now, Jim. You’ve got your man. Chill. :o)
No idea what my dog ate yesterday but I am definitely anti trump today....the air here is toxic.
How little you understand me, N -- or anything else for that matter.

America's spent four years trashing its own reputation and taking backwards steps. There's nothing to celebrate in the figurehead departing, especially given how little grace he has shown. It's a long road back; as usual, undoing the damage will undoubtedly take far longer than causing it.
SR, it's live on ITV at 3,30pm.
// Jim, Biden is a veritable saint. :o)//
and another memorable thing the ever troofful Naomi has said is:

More people voted for Biden than Trump so the trumpers had better pipe down and bear it!

Oh ! Oh! those sentiments were constantly on her lips over Brexit but how silent the "majority-voted-X so sit still and endure it," how silent they are now!
// America's spent four years trashing its own reputation //
good summing up
He's certainly avoided that Ceausescu moment. (even the National Guard aren't allowed ammunition for their weapons)

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