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Khandro | 10:11 Wed 20th Jan 2021 | News
151 Answers
... your wish is coming true, what do you think will now happen with your Biden/Harris duo, & how do you expect improvements to the US domestic & the world order?


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Common people, jim, would rather not have someone who sells their jobs out to the highest bidder.....again. No matter how refinedly they did it.
Incidentally, where do you get all this shinola about Biden being a nice guy with decorum? As well as being a thieving, lying sociopath, he's foul mouthed and extremely short-tempered.
sounds good to me, spicerack. When he calls out his acolytes to invade Capital Hill, I'll be there with my macramé.
class and decorum doesnt make a country powerful or rich.
let's wait and see how biden does in the first six months..
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'All that stands in the way of a left-wing takeover of the most powerful country in the world is a doddering 78 year old president who has never had any firm convictions ...... The dreaded triumph of socialism in the land of the free looks dangerously real '

Freddie Gray, Ed. Spectator USA

Meanwhile Iran has resumed enriching uranium to 20%, in breach of its agreement with world powers.

Happy New Year !
Why did you keep describing Trump, spicerack? I thought this was meant to be about Biden.
"Socialism"? Ridiculous.
The idea that the US is about to become a socialist republic is manifest nonsense. Biden is not socialist. Harris isn't socialist. They are merely to the left of the Republican party. Treating the two as synonymous is ridiculous.
Anyone who thinks Kamala Harris is a socialist doesn’t know what they are talking about.
Spokespeople for the far right who have come to comment here, despite the invitation, have not shown themselves in a very good light.
It's disappointing so far that Biden has been speaking live for several minutes and hasn't tripped up at all, as was promised.
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I always believed that everyone rejoiced when the school bully had left the playground?
It's cute that you keep trying, Spicey.
Spicerack: Good heavens, man. Which nutter news service do you get that from?
Khandro: Those sentiments about 'a left-wing takeover' shows how much Trump infected the political system and why Biden won. And, yes, he won.
He's *** boring me now.
I'll take being bored for four years over being horrified!
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One reads that a caravan of thousands is forming up in Honduras to pass through Guatemala in the hope of reaching and crossing the U.S. border when Biden becomes president.

Over to you Joe!
Never ever thought I would be glad to hear Garth Brooks. (although this has been done a lot better many times)
Khandro, i agree totally, will uncle joe let them in now, stopping the wall being built, all i see is an uneducated disease ridden mass making its way to the u.s border, one could say america is already disease ridden with covid with mass unemployment because of covid.

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