american-iranian families have been torn apart by the travel ban khandro. but perhaps you don't care because they are iranian - that is certainly trump's attitude.
Trump in his own words downplayed the seriousness of the pandemic and simply dismissed it... he abolished the white house pandemic task force and undercut the WHO in the middle of a pandemic... he claimed it was like a flu when he knew perfectly well it was far more serious. Call me "deranged" if you like (you really are in no position to use that word!) but I do hold him responsible and so do many americans.
here is a whole wiki page with sources on Trump's dangerous and irresponsible leaks (yes there's more than one) of classified information I am not surprised you haven't heard of it:
Notice that after one of these, a strong ally of the USA when it comes to intelligence - Britain - reduced American access to their intelligence...
Stop defending this man khandro you remind me of the little creatures lurking underneath Jabba The Hutt's reeking podium, constantly tittering and kissing up to their hideous gangster boss. There is no shame in admitting you were deceived... but there is plenty of shame in doubling down on the lies.