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youngmafbog | 12:05 Sun 12th Jun 2022 | News
138 Answers
Why won't our Police look into this? It is not acceptable to bring these backward practices here and not expect repercussions. We do not allow our women to be beaten and they are equals with men. If these people dont like our way of like why dont they push off to somewhere who does - not that I think these practices are acceptable anywhere


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Chris, CB used to be for "everything" and other topics were stricter. Can we not leave CB as more of an open section?
naomi, 17:45, bang on, we come full circle to my first answer on here. Plod, the authorities etc are terrified of being accused of Islamophobia by the hand wringers. The fact is that both these murders and beatings and the grooming are the stock in trade TROP men and we as a nation are terrified of labelling as what it is.
Pixie, My argument isn’t an ‘excuse’. It results from study of the Muslim faith and culture.
I mean, naomi, in England and Wales, 90% of paedophile grooming gangs are white and British, but all male. Why would religion be the cause?
I didn't mean your views, naomi- I meant theirs.
Pixie, The members of Muslim grooming gangs are not commonly paedophiles.
I didn't say they were. I was pointing out that male behaviour is male.... (not all, ttt!), and not changed by different religions. Only the names and methods used.
//once again fatticus, we generally don't focus on each other's typos on here. It's sort of a case of "let he who is without sin throw the first stone....." and it also indicates that you have no effective reply.//

Be better if you eased off on the ‘semi literate’ and ‘thick’ comments then, you’re not quite as superior to others that you foolishly believe yourself to be.

Plus it’s cast the first stone, not throw.
I guess we can all dish out the lessons too?

Pixie, if that were true we would see similar behaviour across all cultures - that’s common sense - but we don’t. How many times must that be said before you understand it? It can’t be that difficult surely.
fatticus: "Be better if you eased off on the ‘semi literate’ and ‘thick’ comments then, you’re not quite as superior to others that you foolishly believe yourself to be. " - I haven't called anyone thick and the semi literacy is regularly demonstrated.
It really isn't difficult, no. We see the same statistics worldwide- from male to female, of every culture and religion. The problem or cause- is not religion.
Is that difficult to work out?
You are saying "similar behaviour" naomi- but I have already said that methods differ. And yes, we have "different" behaviour in the UK, but the statistics for violence remain the same, through religions or culture.
Maybe... they are not the actual issue.
That isn’t true. We do not see the same statistics worldwide from every religion, pixie. You must know that.
I didn't say religion- I said mtf.
Yes you did. You said religions or culture.
Hi, thick and semi-literate here, I'm not following this defence of the indefensible for the sake of it.

Are there hidden forces at work?
//We see the same statistics worldwide- from male to female, of every culture and religion.//

Try again. The stats are the same worldwide- in spite of religion or culture.
What ‘stats’? Are there a similar number of honour killings across every religion and culture? Is that what you’re claiming?
Blimey, read the thread first maybe? "Honour killings" is specifically used for Muslims... so likely 100%, I guess. When it happens here, we call it DV- even though it is the same principle.
I’ve read the thread. How about answering my question?

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