//Why should residents in one small section of the world be entitled to a "green and pleasant land" while other citizens of the world face hunger, fear and threat to their lives?//
Because the ancestors of the people currently living in this particular small section of the world which is still reasonably green and pleasant (for the moment) worked hard to make it a better place for their descendants. That’s what people in this part of the world do. Current thinking in some quarters seems to suggest that the fruits of those labours should be shared with anybody who happens to pitch up here who doesn’t like it too much where they were. The end result of that strategy sees the green and pleasant parts of the world degenerate into the same state as the cess pits those others came from.
//It [the Rwanda plan] was always a stupid gimmick, and it is sad that many of you have fallen for it. :-( //
I never fell for it one iota. Have a look at this question:
Take a glance at my reply at 11:29 on 26th July:
//…the Rwanda plan is a farce. If (a very big “if”) any are sent there the numbers will barely scratch the surface of the problem. It is not a deterrent because, as already demonstrated, the chances of any migrants being sent there are as close to zero as can be imagined. …
As I keep repeating, once here the chances of any migrant being removed is absolutely minimal and even then there is nothing to prevent them repeating the process. The only way to deal with the problem is to forcibly prevent them from landing.//
And the chances of that force being used is equally minimal. There is no political will from any quarter for it. Instead successive governments are more content to see the resources of this country plundered by people who have contributed nothing and are very unlikely ever to do so. They would prefer instead to feed and house them (current bill £7m a DAY - £2billion each year and that's just the initial costs whilst they "find their feet") rather than keep them out. This is not a party issue – no political party likely to gain power has any plans other than to manage the influx as best they can, spending stupendous amounts of taxpayers’ money which could – and should – be spent on those who are here legally. The opposition (whoever they are) always talks a good talk but nobody here will do anything differently, whatever colour rosette they wear.