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'Woman' Rapes Two Women Using 'Her' Penis And Is Sent To A Woman's Jail.

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Deskdiary | 21:04 Tue 24th Jan 2023 | News
503 Answers

Jesus wept - who agrees this is absurd?

And why the hell is the Mail referring to somebody with a penis who rapes women as 'her'?

In his most recent Netflix special, Ricky Gervais had a routine about this very scenario, which was hilarious because it was so absurd. Paraphrasing "He raped me", "you mean she raped you", "but he had a penis", "she had a penis you effing bigot". But clearly it wasn't that absurd after all!


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So appropriate that someone else had to ask what you were talking about. Sheesh!
//all of those institutions are entitled to exclude people on the basis of gender reassignment if they want to...//

But many of them don’t – especially those under the auspices of the State . And those that do are facing increasingly hostile campaigns to change their stance.

//your disgust and disdain toward trans people is nowhere near as important as you think it is... they exist and mo amount of wishing otherwise will make it go away//

You misunderstand me. I have no distain or disgust towards trans people. I don’t care what they call themselves; I don’t care how they behave or what they do. As I said, we’re all different. What I care about are the rights of women to have spaces of their own where they can reasonably expect no members of the opposite sex (based on fact, not opinion) to be present. I care about this because it appears to me the rights and sensibilities of the vast majority (around 99.8%) of women are being sacrificed to appease the remaining 0.2% who want to encroach into spaces where members of their sex are not generally welcome. It’s not much of an ask – but it seems it is.
I don't know if it made the national news at six but if not, see if you can get a hold of BBC Reporting Scotland, 6.30 this evening and fast forward to the part where Glen Campbell questions Sturgeon and gets a carefully worded statement as a reply from a rather careworn First Miniature re the moving of the beast from Cornton Vale, a women's prison to HMP Edinburgh.
All down to risk assessment by the jails and nowt to do with ass covering from the wee parly.

Chickens are coming home to roost right enough and we're loving it.
Can an intact man who declares himself to be s woman get away with it?
Sandy, yes, read the thread.
I might add that as the frantic back-pedalling continues, the rapist has been transferred to a men's wing of Embruh jail.
So, you want to do your time in a prison for women? We'll cut you nuts off.
Would that be acceptable?
I don't understand this.
I'm lost here. Is a person with male parts a man?
Is he declares he's a woman, is he?
“ So appropriate that someone else had to ask what you were talking about. Sheesh!”

that doesn’t bother me either… it really isn’t a difficult concept to explain… i am not sure why it appears to offend you… would you prefer that i didn’t use it on theanswerbank?
In Scotland, apparently so, Sandy.
Sandy, thinking about it, in the UK a person has to live as the opposite sex for a period of time before surgery will be considered. That means adopting an appropriate name, dressing and behaving accordingly and using the relevant pronouns and expecting to be addressed as such. During this time they may be totally hormone therapy.
So legally it all gets a bit blurred.
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sandyRoe - "I'm lost here. Is a person with male parts a man?
Is he declares he's a woman, is he?"

For the vast vast majority of people, the answers to your two questions are easy:

Q1 - Yes.
Q2 - No.
a person can already present themselves differently from their biological sex (e.g. a biological man presenting as a woman by taking hormone therapy and changing their appearance) and enter female toilets or changing rooms etc. without any need to do anything else… this has been the case for as long as those places have existed and if the person in question looks sufficiently female nobody will be any the wiser… you can also change the sex registered on your passport provided you have changed your name and have a letter from a doctor treating you

the “self ID” law pertains only to Gender Recognition Certificates, which allows for a persons birth certificate to be amended and for them to be married or their death certificate to be issued in their trans identity…

it does not have any other impact at all on where trans people can go or where they can be treated or imprisoned
Untitled, //would you prefer that i didn’t use it on theanswerbank? //

I don't think about you.

Men who are somehow wired differently can have whatever hormone treatment available. they can have bits chopped off and pumped up, they can paint their faces, wear women's clothes and call themselves whatever they like - but none of that will ever make them a woman. They're lying to themselves.
and that's what it always comes down to with transphobes... "lopping bits off"... "pumping up"....

it's not reason... it's not "facts"... it is disgust. trans people make your skin crawl, and so you'd rather they weren't around.

that's what the whole debate really comes down to.
Your bizarre opinion of my thought processes isn’t fact, that’s for sure, untitled.
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There it is.

It took until the 135th answer, but with sad inevitability the allegation of transphobia rears its predictable head.

Speaking personally, I couldn't give a tinker's cuss about people wanting to transition as it doesn't affect me one jot, and if it makes their lives better, then bloody good luck to them.


Finding it absurd that this creature, a fully intact man who likes to rape women, is referred to as 'her' and was initially sent to a female prison, being concerned about the rights of trans people riding roughshod over the rights of proper women, thinking it a disgrace that trans men (or is it trans women? I get confused!) can compete in sport again proper women - it's funny how women transitioning to men don't compete against men isn't it - is not transphobia.

I'm not scared of them - I'm merely concerned about the ramifications for others.

Frankly, I find it laughable how people can refer to this creature as 'her'.
“ Speaking personally, I couldn't give a tinker's cuss about people wanting to transition”

i don’t believe you.
“ it's funny how women transitioning to men don't compete against men isn't it”

wiki lists the following trans male sportspeople

Kye Allums, basketball
Schuyler Bailar, swimming
Mack Beggs, wrestling
Harrison Browne, ice hockey
Balian Buschbaum, pole vault
Willy De Bruyn, cycling
Keelin Godsey, hammer throw
Zdeněk Koubek, track
Andreas Krieger, shot put
Patricio Manuel, boxing
Chris Mosier, triathlon and duathlon
Quince Mountain, Iditarod

what you mean when you say “it’s funny” is that the media never draws any attention to them in the interest of creating a moral panic for you to participate in
I just picked one person from Untitled's list and found that Keelin Godsey was born female, identifies as male, and competes in the female division.
Mind. Blown.

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