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'Woman' Rapes Two Women Using 'Her' Penis And Is Sent To A Woman's Jail.

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Deskdiary | 21:04 Tue 24th Jan 2023 | News
503 Answers

Jesus wept - who agrees this is absurd?

And why the hell is the Mail referring to somebody with a penis who rapes women as 'her'?

In his most recent Netflix special, Ricky Gervais had a routine about this very scenario, which was hilarious because it was so absurd. Paraphrasing "He raped me", "you mean she raped you", "but he had a penis", "she had a penis you effing bigot". But clearly it wasn't that absurd after all!


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// // men pretending to be, or masquerading as, women //

Masquerading is your forte judge.

The veil you wear serves only to hide your highly controversial remarks around transgenderism from yourself. No matter how hard you try, you will never disguise the truth.

The truth being, gender dysphoria is a diagnosed medical condition. NHS England defines a clear pathway for treating those transgender people who suffer from it.

Besmirching transgender people as acting out some kind of fantasy, is not only contrary to the procedures carried out by specialists in GD clinics, it is the very bedrock which underpins the discrimination faced by transgender people today.
// none of that means they’re not lying to themselves //

Let us for one moment hypothetically take as fact;
The postulate that transgender people are lying to themselves. The ensuing corollary would be, all those brilliant minds working in GD clinics are indulging transgender people with their lies.

What an absurd accusation!

Understandably the disquiet this would cause. It would be to undermine the dedication and specialised work carried out by experienced and skilled practitioners in the field of gender dysphoria.

Conclusion: The assumption 'they are lying to themselves' is seriously flawed.
There will now be women who have prostate cancer on their death certificates.

Sadly too, men dying from cervical cancer.

We have to face up to it, sometimes there is just no escaping the cruel hand of fate.
Don’t be ridiculous, zebu. Men don’t have a cervix.
Breast cancer, perhaps?
Give 'em hell Zebu ;-)
Or lung cancer, or bowel cancer … but cervical or ovarian cancer, no.
If the birth certificate is changed then the new identity will be on the death certificate, women with prostate cancer, men with cervical cancer.
Breast cancer is found in natural born men as well as women
er are we still er 'at it?'

cervical ca in a man - I have difficulty in imagining
//No matter how hard you try, you will never disguise the truth.//

I’m not trying to disguise the truth, zebu. I’m trying to reinforce it. No matter how hard they try to convince others, a man calling himself a woman is still a man.

//Masquerading is your forte judge.

The veil you wear serves only to hide your highly controversial remarks around transgenderism from yourself.//

“Masquerade” in this context has nothing to do with masks or veils. It means to pretend to be somebody or something that you are not. That is precisely what men calling themselves women are doing. They are living a pretence. My remarks are framed to expose the truth and not to join in with praise of "The King's New Clothes". If they appear controversial that indicates what a state the issue has descended into. What is undoubtedly controversial is expecting people to accept lies as fact.

//…gender dysphoria is a diagnosed medical condition. NHS England defines a clear pathway for treating those transgender people who suffer from it.//

I’m sure it is and I’m sure it has. But it doesn’t alter the fundamental truth.

//Besmirching transgender people as acting out some kind of fantasy,…//

I’m not besmirching them. But they do live a fantasy. If a man lives as a woman, it’s entirely up to him. But he remains a man.

//…all those brilliant minds working in GD clinics are indulging transgender people with their lies.//

If they accept that a man calling himself a woman is no longer a man then they are. Being a man or a woman is an immutable biological fact. It is not debateable; it is not open to conjecture; it is not a matter of opinion; it cannot be changed by means of a personal statement. It doesn’t help to indulge those suggesting otherwise in their pretence.

None of this would particularly matter if those allegedly suffering from gender dysphoria were not encouraged to believe they had changed their sex simply by saying so (their “chosen gender” being somewhat irrelevant and meaningless). But they are. And the result of this is that the wider population is being asked to accept the impossible. The result of that is that we have men who have declared themselves to be women being invited into spaces where women are entitled to expect no men to be present. They should not have to make such an accommodation. The country needs to get a grip on the way this condition is addressed because it is clearly causing considerable problems.

//cervical ca in a man - I have difficulty in imagining//

No need to imagine it peter. A person with a cervix is a woman. It matters not a jot what they call themselves or what is written on duplicitous official documents.
There are two types of prison, a male prison and a female prison. A person who rapes somebody by penetrating with a penis is placed into a male prison.

Gender dysphoria, transgender, identifying or whatever else makes no difference.

Peoples are a spectrum, but the prison system is not. It's a simple black and white, as things stand, and a rapist who penetrates a penis goes to the male prison.

Maybe, in decades from now, things will change and we won't have male and female prisons. In the meantime, don't do the crime if you don't do the time. Or, to put it another way, rapists can't be choosers.
I Identify as a can of emusion!
I wish to be sent to a matt prison as opposed to a silk prison.

God help me if I identify as eggshell....
I wouldn't expect it to effect gmeb DT. That will carry on as usual.
Sorry wrong thread again

Still pedalling more of the same old same old insulting language towards transgender people.

Had only we all been born in the perfect image of new judge...

There but for the grace of god goes new judge.

Such is your obsession with cissexist ideology, there is little room for anything else. Except the pejorative and more prejudice.
// have difficulty in imagining //

PP do not let imagination steer you away from the truth.

In the Netherlands, trans men who give birth are registered as fathers on the birth certificate.

The Netherlands renowned for its liberal attitudes are leading by example. A Dutch society aims to be an inclusive one for all.
The judge is the voice of reason here zebu, he has systematically dismantled any form of "reasoning" you may have thought you had. You do not need a prefix for the default cis? Perlease!

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